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时间:2022-04-17 11:21来源:毕业论文



Abstract:Comparison on the antioxidant capacity of the fruit body of Portobello mushroom and Agaricus bisporus was conducted。 Two kinds of mushroom chitosan were extrracted by alkaline N-deacetylation of crude chitin, which were obtained from air-dried protobello mushroom and Agaricus bisporus。 Antioxidant properties which were assayed were antioxidant activity by scavenging abilities on DPPH and hydroxyl radicals and cleaning nitrite。 Results indicated that the IC50 values of protobello mushroom chitosan on DPPH and hydroxyl radicals and cleaning nitrite were 1。739mg/mL, 0。560mg/mL, 38。212mg/mL respectively; The IC50 values of Agaricus bisporus chitosan on DPPH and hydroxyl radicals and cleaning nitrite were 1。102mg/mL, 1。290mg/mL, 7。382mg/mL。 The obtained rate of portobello mushroom was higher than Agaricus bisporus, which was about 1。729 times。 What’s more, its antioxidant capacity was also significantly higher than that of agaricus bisporus。

Keywords:protobello mushroom, chitosan, antioxidant ability, scavenging rate


1 前言 3

2材料与方法 3

2。1 实验材料 3

2。2 药品与试剂 4

2。3 主要仪器 4

3样品壳聚糖的制备 4

4褐蘑菇抗氧化作用及其评价方法 4

4。1自由基清除能力 4

4。1。1 DPPH自由基的清除方法 5

4。1。2 羟基自由基的清除方法 5

4。2亚硝酸盐的清除方法 5

5。 实验结果 6

5。1褐蘑菇壳聚糖的提取得率 6

5。2 褐蘑菇壳聚糖抗氧化能力的测定 6

5。2。1褐蘑菇壳聚糖对DPPH自由基的清除能力 6

6。2。2 褐蘑菇壳聚糖对·OH自由基的清除能力 7

6。2。3 褐蘑菇壳聚糖对NO2—的清除能力 8

参考文献 11

致谢 12

 1 前言

褐蘑菇又叫做香口蘑,是双孢菇的近缘种,其盖大柄粗,菌肉肥厚,口感细嫩鲜美,香味浓郁适口,肉质感强,食用时有肉的口感,所以又被誉为“素牛排”[1]。褐蘑菇的营养保健医疗价值又是极高的。食用菌具有低盐、低糖、低脂肪、高蛋白等的特点。和其他食用菌一样,褐蘑菇同样也具有提高人体免疫力、防癌抗癌、降低血糖、保肝护肝、美容驻颜等功效。现如今褐蘑菇作为肉的替代品倍受欧美及世界发达国家或地区人们的青睐[2]。但目前关于褐蘑菇的国内外文献多数都涉及其栽培,针对褐蘑菇的活性成分及其抗氧化性能的研究报道仍为数不多,尤其是褐蘑菇中的壳聚糖,与褐蘑菇的壳聚糖相关的研究报道很少。 论文网 褐蘑菇壳聚糖抗氧化性研究:http://www.youerw.com/shengwu/lunwen_92725.html
