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时间:2020-10-07 11:07来源:毕业论文

摘 要: 植物生态学研究的重要内容之一是识别和定量刻画种间生态变异的主要维数, 叶大小-小枝大小维(谱)是其中之一,目前的研究相对比较薄弱,两者之间是异速还是等速生长关系仍存在着争论。该文以我校校园内4种常绿乔灌木植物为对象,分别是香樟、桂花、女贞、红叶石楠为对象进行了叶-当年生小枝之间关系及其生态意义的研究。结果表明:1)小枝茎横切面积与叶片干重、叶面积之间呈现了异速生长关系,这一实验数据支持叶大小-小枝大小为异速生长的相关研究结论,但excel线性回归方程斜率低于预期值,其原因和在生态学上的意义有待进一步研究;2)小枝总叶面积与单叶面积呈显著正相关生长关系,而与叶片数量的多少没有关系,而这一数据则反映了单叶面积大小决定了小枝总叶面积的增加,这个实验结果可能是和这一地区的气候相关;然而单叶面积与枝条长度呈正比例的关系则有可能反映了植物对常绿阔叶林内较弱光照环境的适应;3)叶干重同小枝干重、叶面积为等速生长关系,可能反映了植物与动物之间代谢方式的差异;4)同一株植物阴阳面小枝和叶的长势不同,对于喜阳植物来说,阳面植物的小枝-叶的生长明显优于阴面植物,这反映出光合作用对光的截取有一定的关系。57653

毕业论文关键词; 茎截面积;叶面积;茎干重;叶干重

Relationship evergreen twig and leaf biomass four

Abstract: One important part of plant ecology study is to identify and quantify the main inter- dimensional characterization of species of ecological variability, leaf size-the size sp-rig dimen -sion (spectrum) is one of the current study is relatively weak, is different betwe -en the two sp -eed or constant relationship between growth, there are stil contro -versial. In this paper, in my school campus four kinds of evergreen trees and shrubs plants as objects, are camphor, osmant -hus, privet Photinia leaf as its object - relationship between twig and its ecological Significan 

-ce of current year. The results show that: 1) cross-sectional area of stem twig and leaf dry wei -ght, showing a Allometric between leaf area, the experimental data support the leaf size -the si -ze sprig Allometric related research conclusions, but excel linear regression equation slo -pe lo -wer than expected, its causes and significance in ecology for further study; 2) Twigs total leaf area and leaf area was significantly positively related to the growth of the relationship, with the number of blades of the number does not matter, and this data is It reflects the size of a single l -eaf sprig decided to increase the total leaf ar -ea, and the results may be related to the climate in the region; however, the leaf area and shoot length was directly proportional relatio -nship is likely to reflect the evergreen broa d -leaf plants Rinnai adapt weak light environme -nts; 3) dry weight of leaf stems with small weight and leaf area of constant growth relationship may refle -ct the difference between the way the metabolism of plants and animals; 4) the same plant yin and yang side twig and le -af growing different plants for Xi Yang, a sprig sunny side of the pl -ant - leaf plant growth significantly better than the nightside, reflecting photosynthesis light int -erception have a ce -rtain relationship.

Keywords: stem cross-sectional;area of stem;dry weight of leaf area;leaf dry weight


1  前言1

1.1  研究的目与意义1

1.2  区域概况2

1.3  样品的采集与方法2

1.1.1  数据分析3

2  实验结果的研究定论7

2.1  小枝茎横截面积与小枝干重、叶面积、叶干重之间存在相关的关


2.2  小枝叶干重与枝干重和总叶面积的关系9 4种常绿植物小枝与叶片生物量的关系研究:http://www.youerw.com/shengwu/lunwen_62459.html
