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时间:2020-03-18 22:29来源:毕业论文


A survey had been run for investigating the view of the students of Grade 2 in Tangxi High School about the Modeling Teaching style in Biology class. The results show that the modeling teaching style is more apt to instruct the students but not lead them to learn by themselves. Moreover, it is difficult for the students to realize the essence of the modeling teaching appropriately, and their recognition about it tends to be too narrow and incomplete; in addition, the previous modeling teaching style always interferes with or promotes the present one, vice versa. Fortunately, the students are able to realize the modeling teaching styles which have been learned as well as the development and persity of them. Suggestion: the lecturers should pay attention to guide and motivate the students to exert their self-learning ability to the appropriate extent; furthermore, the lecturers should improve the instruction about biological model and the science history so as to deepen and ameliorate the students' view of biological model; in addition, the lecturers should also inspire the students' interests in biology and lead them to realize the variety of the world continuously.


Keyword: high school student;Biology classroom;model teaching 

目    录

1 引言 4

2 文献综述 4

2.1 模型的含义与分类 4

2.2模型教学的理论基础 5

2.3模型教学存在的问题 6

3 调查过程与方法 7

3.1 研究方法 7

3.2研究设计 7

4 调查结果与分析 7

4.1 模型的本质 7

4.2学习模型的意义 8

4.3 模型学习的方法 8

4.4新旧模型之间的联系 9

4.5模型的多样性与动态发展 10

5 结论与建议 11

5.1结论 11

5.2建议 11

致谢 13

参考文献 14

1 引言

学生从初中进入高中阶段,其学习动机、学习表现以及对科学的学习兴趣会随着年级的增加而呈现下降趋势 [1]。Weldy认为产生此现象的原因是学生从初中进入高中其生理、心里层面的转变以及学习任务的困难度增加 [2]。美国有关学者就主张,科学教学应该和科学的探究精神一致,也就是说科学探究的方法主要强调学生应该从一个现象的问题开始,主动参与,进而提出假设,再根据假设收集并分析证据,设计研究与进行研究的过程,而非只是学习自然现象的答案而已 [15] 。本文研究是基于模型的情景教学,帮助学生深刻理解知识,发展其思维能力实现知识的迁移和应用,从而使得学生能够更好的培养逻辑思维能力和探究的技能。在创建模型的过程中避免学生只是得到一个单纯的智力过程,使得学生能够真正认识到知识背后所蕴含的科学本质这是一个值得探究的问题。 高中生对生物课堂模型教学的认识与建议:http://www.youerw.com/shengwu/lunwen_48523.html
