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时间:2019-12-22 21:06来源:毕业论文



 The application of the LED light source

 in the growth of lettuce

Abstract: In order to better apply LED to plant growth, this study investigated the effects of 660nm red light, 450nm blue light and red blue light (R:B=1:1, R:B=3:1, R:B=1:3) on the growth and quality of lettuce. The results showed that red light significantly increased the biomass accumulation on the ground, which was beneficial to the increase of yield, but the protein content is reduced. Blue ray has obvious dwarfing plants, and at the same time, improve the content of protein of lettuce; Combination of red and blue light were better than greenhouse natural light (CK).

Keywords: LED light;luminous intensity;Light quality;Lettuce;Quality


1 绪论 1

1.1 课题背景 1

1.2 国内外研究现状与发展趋势 1

1.3 研究目的及意义 2

2 LED照明灯具介绍 2

2.1 LED的定义 2

2.2 LED的优点 2

2.3 实验所用植物照明灯介绍 4

2.3.1 参数设计 4

3 实验需求分析 4

3.1 实验思路 4

3.1.1 植物选材 4

3.1.2 实验分组设计 5

3.1.2 评价标准 5

3.2 实验过程 5

3.2.1 试验所用生菜品种 5

3.2.2 配土 5

3.2.3 播种 6

3.2.4 移栽、培养 6

3.2.5 数据收集与测量 6

3.2.6 叶绿素测定 6

3.2.7 蛋白质含量测定 6

3.2.8 各组实验情况 8

4 所需仪器介绍 14

4.1 光谱彩色照度计(SPIC-200) 14

4.2 752型分光光度计 15

4.3 离心机 16

4.3.1离心机使用方法 16

4.4 测量所需器皿 17

4.4.1 移液管使用方法 17

4.5 电子天平 19

5 结果分析 19

5.1 不同光质对生菜生长的影响 19

5.2 不同光质对生菜品质的影响 20

5.3 不同照度对生菜生长的影响 20

5.4 不同照度对生菜品质的影响 LED光源在生菜生长中的应用:http://www.youerw.com/shengwu/lunwen_43995.html
