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时间:2022-03-03 23:11来源:毕业论文

摘要随着日趋强化的资源环境约束,企业发展受到了巨大影响,在此背景之下, 本文以中国 500 强企业中沪市重污染企业为样本,研究了企业环境管理文化、环 境管控和财务绩效三者间存在的关系。本文先是立足于企业文化,将其中涉及的 环境管理相关内容进行了总结,分析了如今企业文化对于环境问题的影响,其次, 从公司官网,年报和社会责任报告中收集公司环境管控方面的措施,并根据实际 描述进行评分汇总,最后通过建立模型,对样本公司中收集的关于企业环境管理 文化,环境管控及财务绩效进行了实证研究,研究表明企业环境管理文化与环境 管控之间、环境管控与财务绩效之间均存在正相关关系,因此企业越看重环境管 理文化和环境管控,其财务绩效也会越好。78530

毕业论文关键词 企业管理文化 环境管控 财务绩效

Title  An empirical study on the relationship among corporate environmental management culture, environmental control  and financial performance



Abstract  With the increasingly strengthen the restriction of environmental resource, enterprise development has been greatly affected, under this background,we research relationship among enterprise culture ,environment management and financial performance。 Firstly, this paper summarizes the related content of environmental management in the enterprise culture, and analyzes the influence of enterprise culture on environmental issues。 Secondly, collecting environmental management and control measures from the company's official website, annual report and social responsibility report,and according to the actual description of the scoring summary。 Finally, through the establishment of the model, doing empirical research from the sample firms in the collection of corporate environmental management culture, environmental control and financial performance。 Research shows that there is a significant positive correlation between corporate environmental management culture and environmental control, environmental control and financial performance。Therefore, the more the enterprise pays attention to environmental management culture and environmental control, its financial performance is better。



Keywords environmental management culture environmental control financial performance


本 科 毕 业 论   文 第 I 页








1 绪论 1

1。1 研究背景 1

1。2 研究意义 1

1。3 研究方法、内容及创新点 2

1。4 相关文献综述 3

2 企业环境管理文化与环境管控的现状分析 5

2。1 企业环境管理文化与环境管控相关内容 5

2。2 企业文化对环境管理的影响及现状分析 7

2。3 企业实施环境管控措施现状及分析 企业环境管理文化环境管控与财务绩效关系的实证研究:http://www.youerw.com/kuaiji/lunwen_90524.html
