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时间:2022-02-13 19:56来源:毕业论文



Discussion on Enron incident from the perspective of accounting

Abstract: The development of China's economy in the past few decades is obvious to the whole world。 However, the rapid development has made us ignore some necessary details。 If we don't solve it, it will become a big problem。 Enron is a good lesson。In order not to repeat the mistakes of history, we must summarize the experience and learn the painful price from history。 We have to study hard to inherited the advantages, correct inadequacies in a timely manner and use the right attitude to face them。 See the shortcomings of others but also find their own problems also, and nip ped in the bud to make our economy have a more healthy faster and more stable development。Accounting is an indispensable part of an enterprise, and the data they provide is crucial to the decisions of the entire enterprise and the outside investors。 The accounting data influences the decision of the decision maker, influences the investment direction and decision of the external information user, and the decision of the investor influences the development of the enterprise。 Generally speaking, accounting personnel may not be the core personnel of an enterprise, but the development of an enterprise is inseparable from the real and effective accounting data。 Therefore, accounting information is very important。This paper sums up the Enron accounting fraud of Enron。 The specific fraud practices and the specific accounting illegal events are analyzed。 The accounting industry problems are studied, and solutions are brought out。For the college students, about to enter society and the accounting career, we make our career expectations。

Key words: accounting professional ethics; accounting fraud; economic development; Enron event


一、绪论 6

(一) 研究目的与意义 6

(二) 研究现状 7

二、安然事件的分析和总结 8

(一)安然事件概况 8

(二)安然事件的具体造假手法 8

1。创立离岸公司 8

2。把亏损转移到账外 9

3。滥用会计准则 从会计角度浅谈安然事件:http://www.youerw.com/kuaiji/lunwen_89651.html
