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时间:2022-02-09 22:07来源:毕业论文



Research on the confirmation of deferred income tax assets

Abstract The current guidelines issued in 2006, it established the status of the balance sheet liability method, close to the trend of changes in international accounting standards。 However, the development of domestic economy led to the concept of income tax accounting in late。 At the same time, the research on income tax accounting is lagging behind foreign countries。 This paper mainly studies the problems of the deferred income tax assets to confirm。 First, this paper starts from the definition of income tax accounting and development。 In addition, this paper expounds the generation and concept of deferred income tax assets under the balance sheet debt method and analyses the confirmed cases of deferred income tax assets with relevant cases。 Finally, this paper summarizes the related effect of deferred tax assets。

Keywords: Income Tax Accounting; Balance sheet liability method; Deferred tax assets

目  录

0引言 1

1所得税会计概述 1

1。1所得税会计的定义 1

1。2所得税会计的发展 2

1。2。1国外所得税会计的发展 2

1。2。2我国所得税会计的发展 3

2递延所得税资产的产生 3

2。1资产账面价值小于计税基础 4

2。2负债计税基础小于账面价值 4

3递延所得税资产的确认 5

3。1确认的一般原则 5

3。1。1确认金额有限 5

3。1。2未来期间利润足额弥补亏损 6

3。1。3合并情况产生 6

3。2不确认递延所得税资产的情况 6

3。2。1非合并交易和事项 6

3。2。2按照权益法核算的长期股权投资 8

3。2。3未来利润不足抵扣亏损 8

4递延所得税资产的确认对报表中利润的影响 9

4。1有利的影响 9

4。1。1合理核算所得税费用 9

4。1。2保持企业各年利润的平衡 9

4。1。3提供更准确的会计信息 10

4。2不利影响 11

4。2。1确认时缺乏完整性 11

4。2。2容易导致企业操作利润 11

结  论 15

致  谢 16

参考文献 递延所得税资产确认问题研究:http://www.youerw.com/kuaiji/lunwen_89471.html
