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时间:2022-01-22 21:28来源:毕业论文



Study on the Related Issues under the New Standard of the Long-term Equity Investment

Abstract In July 2014, the revised accounting standards for Enterprises No。2 - long term equity investment was issued by the Ministry of Finance。 The new guidelines absorb the essence of the international accounting standards and improve the lack of guidelines in 2006, which arouse the high attention of scholars on theory and practice。 The article interprets the content of the new theory , at the same time, this article expounds the influence of enterprise accounting, financial statements and related income tax through case analysis。 This article finds the defects of the new standard that still existing, such as the defect of the theory, use non-standard professional term and some basic concepts doesn’t explained in details。 The article deeply studies the problems and put forward to solve the problems, such as hoping the enterprises adopt the fair value method to calculate the long-term equity investment, hoping the accounting standards for Enterprises No。 22 and the accounting method was carefully improved by the Ministry of Finance, in order to help the user of the financial statements to improve the quality of accounting work。

Keywords: long-term equity investment; accounting standards for enterprises; financial statements


0 引言 1

1 长期股权投资准则概述 1

1。1 长期股权投资准则的历史发展 1

1。2 准则内容概述 2

2新旧准则对比 2

2。1 新旧准则条款保留与删除 2

2。2 新旧准则条款合并与拆分 2

2。3 新旧准则条款新增与调整 3

3 长期股权投资准则(2014)与国际会计准则对比 6

3。1 非重大权益性投资的归类 6

3。2 其他权益变动的处理异同 6

3。3 财务报表定义差别 6

4长期股权投资准则(2014)实施对企业的影响 7

4。1 对企业财务的影响 7

4。2 对个别报表与合并报表的影响 10

4。3 对相关所得税的影响 11

4。4 对利润和责任的影响 12

5 长期股权投资准则(2014)存在的问题 13

5。1 没有涉及联营,合营企业发行优先股的投资收益确认 13

5。3 核算方法存在的问题 新准则下长期股权投资相关问题探讨:http://www.youerw.com/kuaiji/lunwen_88831.html
