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时间:2021-10-23 20:49来源:毕业论文

摘  要:在我国,每一个行业都存在着各种中小型企业。中小企业是企业集团的生命力,是促进国民经济发展和增长的中坚力量。但是,我国中小企业发展的现状不容乐观,产品附加值低,成本高,税负低,盈利能力低,资金严重短缺,负债率高,创新能力不强,成为我国中小企业发展的一个障碍。为了应对这种局面,减轻中小企业的负担,以实现中国经济平稳增长,营业税开征增值税已成为我国深化税制改革的必然趋势。首先,本文全面阐述了我国“营改增”政策对中小企业的全面分析,其次以徐州诺吉物流有限公司为例作详细分析,最后,分析该政策对物流企业税负影响,并提出了物流企业的若干应对措施。73258

毕业论文关键词: 营改增,中小企业,物流,税负   

Abstract:In our country, every industry has various small and medium enterprises (SMEs)。 SMEs, backbone of promoting economic development and growth, are vitality of group enterprises。 However, the development situation of SMEs in our country is not optimistic。 The low product additional value, high cost, low tax bearing, low profitability, seriously shortage of funds, high debt and weak innovative ability have become the obstacle to development of SMEs。 To cope with this situation and reduce the burden on SMEs, to achieve steady increase of economy, business tax introduce VAT has become the inevitable trend of deepen the reform of taxation in our country。 Firstly, this article generally states that the policy of business tax reform to VAT of our country made comprehensive analysis to SMEs。 Secondly, the detail analysis is based on Xuzhou Jinuo Logistics Co。, Ltd。 At last, this article analyzes the influence to logistics enterprises of this policy and highlights some solutions for logistics enterprises to cope with this policy。

Keywords:Camp changed to increase, small and medium enterprises, logistics, Tax burden

目  录

1  引言 3

2  有关“营改增”政策的理论 3

2。1  营改增的背景 3

2。2  营改增的内容 4

2。3  试点时间和区域 4

2。4  营改增的意义 4

3  “营改增”后对徐州诺吉物流公司经营现状的影响 4

3。1  税负有所增加 4

3。2  对徐州诺吉物流公司财务的影响 5

4  “营改增”后徐州诺吉存在的问题 6

4。1  税负问题 6

4。2  对企业内部财务结构产生的问题 6

4。3  进项税抵扣项目不足 7

4。4  对企业员工的影响 7

4。5  发票管理难度大 7

5  对营改增后中小企业的建议或对策 8

5。1  强化发票管理 8

5。2  提高员工素质 8

5。3  合理纳税筹划 8

5。4  增加进项抵扣 9

5。5  转换自身纳税人的身份 9

结论 10 浅析营改增对中小物流企业的影响:http://www.youerw.com/kuaiji/lunwen_83540.html
