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时间:2021-08-04 21:14来源:毕业论文



The Financing Problems And Solution Of The Small And Medium Sized Enterprises

Abstract:In this thesis, the present situation of SME financing, found several problems. Firstly, narrow channels of financing, most enterprises still detained in thinking among traditional financing. Secondly, the financing structure is irrational, from the total point of view, some companies do not develop financing strategies according to their actual operating capacity, the total amount of financing than companies can afford, some enterprises in order to select the emergency civil usury, and the total the high number of financing, some usurious interest rates even more than fifty percent, but this is not so high and profit margins, and also prudent not very likely, this will make the enterprise into a financial swamp in. Thirdly, the improper use of corporate finance, capital is not injected into the right place, or the allocation of funds is irrational, not even for the production and management. Fourthly, the financial institution carefully loans, credit crunch, small and medium enterprises to establish a higher threshold, forcing SMEs choose otherwise, the objective to increase the difficulty of financing and financing costs. Five is bad business account rate, once the upstream and downstream business failures, accounts receivable can not be recovered, affecting the entire financial chain industry chain, which would occur outside the high cost of capital becomes more serious cause damage to chain .

[Keyword]:Bank financing of private lending; Financing Problems 


一、引言 1

二、融资基本理论概述 1

(一)融资的概念 1

(二)融资渠道概述 2

三、中小企业融资的现状 3

(一)内源融资状况 3

(二)外源融资状况 3

四、中小企业融资困难的影响因素 4

(一)外部环境影响 4

(二)企业内部因素与管理者因素 6

(三)银行与资本市场门槛高 7

(四)融资结构不合理 7

五、中小企业融资对策 13

(一)充分利用民间智慧,发展中小企业融资的新模式 12

(二)加快中小企业信用评价体系建设 中小企业融资问题及对策:http://www.youerw.com/kuaiji/lunwen_79601.html
