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时间:2021-03-21 11:14来源:毕业论文



Abstract: The accounting firm is a kind of special industry, has been doing business for enterprises to make a significant contribution. In the process of building a socialist market economy, the accounting firm can not be ignored. However, in our country ,the development of most accounting firms is slow because they lack a favorable market environment or perfect internal control system. It is difficult to put on a par with the big four accounting firms in scale and operational levels. How to establish a scientific and rational system of internal control and risk prevention effectively , has become the most concerned topic of the accounting profession. This article is based on Gao Jian accounting firm’s internal control, using a combination of theoretical and practical analysis, pointed out the concrete manifestation of the internal control system is not perfect and put forward specific proposals to perfect the internal control system of accounting firms.

Keywords: accounting firm, internal control, perfect

1  引言 3

1.1  研究背景 3

1.2  研究意义 3

2  内部控制概述 3

2.1  内部控制的含义 3

2.2  内部控制的要素 4

3  构建皋剑会计师事务所内部控制的必要性 4

3.1  有利于提高事务所的公信力 5

3.2  有利于提高事务所的竞争力 5

3.3  有利于降低事务所的职业风险 6

3.4  有利于规范事务所会计行为 6

3.5  有利于实现经营管理目标 6

4  皋剑会计师事务所内部控制存在的问题 7

4.1  事务所对内部控制不重视 7

4.2  事务所规章制度不健全 7

4.3  事务所人员达不到内部控制标准 8

4.4  股东的管理制度不健全 8

4.5  审计复核不合规的现象严重 9

5  皋剑会计师事务所内部控制缺陷的原因分析 9

5.1  缺乏科学的决策及良好的运行机制 9

5.2  缺乏相应的控制制约机制 9

5.3  不重视事务所文化建设 10

5.4  多头管理的矛盾 10

5.5  审计市场及法律不完善 会计师事务所内部控制研究:http://www.youerw.com/kuaiji/lunwen_71934.html
