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时间:2020-11-05 15:30来源:毕业论文

摘  要:当前,我国经济增长速度已经由过去的高速增长阶段转向中高速的增长阶段,出现了明显不同于过去的经济新常态。我国A股市场自建立以来已经有20多年的发展历程。起初,A股市场是为国企服务的,通过市场融资从而摆脱资金困难。而现在随着全面深化改革的步伐不断加快,A股市场已成为我国经济发展中重要的组成部分,但是相对于西方发达国家而言还是比较落后。例如投资风险较高、股本结构缺陷、交易机制落后、监管体系不完善等一系列问题开始爆发。就当前而言,如何对A股市场进行研究分析并且提出相应发展策略是A股市场能够健康发展的首要前提。59147


Abstract:Currently, the economic growth rate of China has already transformed from the stage of rapid growth in the past to the stage of medium and high growth. Consequently, the economic new normal has emerged, which is obviously different from the past. Since its establishment, China’s A-share market has a history of more than 20 years. Originally, A-share market provides services for state-owned enterprises, which gets rid of financial difficulty through market financing. However, with the consistently accelerated pace of comprehensively deepening reform, A-share market has already become an important component of China’s economic development. However, our country’s A-share market is still quite backward compared to western developed countries’. A range of problems have begun to break out, such as quite high investment risks, deficient structure of capital stock, outdated transaction mechanism, imperfect supervision system, etc. Currently, how to study and analyze the A-share market and put forward corresponding development strategies, it is the prime premise for A-share market to develop healthily. 

Key words: the economic new normal, A-stocks market, analyze, development strategies

1  引言 3

1.1  经济新常态概述 4

1.2  经济新常态的特征 4

2  我国A股市场发展状况分析 7

2.1  A股市场发展起源 7

2.2  A股市场当前现状 8

2.3  经济新常态对A股市场的主要影响 9

3  A股市场当前存在的问题分析 9

3.1  A股市场存在一定的投资风险 9

3.2  A股市场股本结构不合理 10

3.3  A股市场交易制度不合理 10

3.4  A股市场上市公司存在虚假现象 11

4  A股市场存在问题的原因分析 11

4.1  A股市场抗风险能力较弱 11

4.2  我国特有经济体制造成股本结构不合理 12

4.3  股市过度投机行为影响交易制度完善 12

4.4  相关部门未能遵行证券市场法律体系 12

5  经济新常态下A股市场发展对策 13

5.1  控制A股市场投资风险 13

5.2  注重A股市场的结构性调整 13

5.3  创新和完善A股市场交易制度 经济新常态下A股市场功能定位与发展研究:http://www.youerw.com/kuaiji/lunwen_64308.html
