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时间:2020-09-23 15:47来源:毕业论文

摘 要:目前在国内市场,中小企业的发展前景看起来相当可观,但是不可能一片坦途,难免有点忧患存在,比如说财务风险。财务风险是许多中小企业存在的潜在威胁,控制的好坏决定了企业的命运。财务风险是由于企业举借了许多债务,导致原有资金不足以偿还,而使企业内部存在巨大风险。所以企业要掌控好财务风险的度,调控的好可以使企业盈利,但是一旦被其困扰,后果将不堪设想。由此可以看出它的关键性,它就是企业的灵魂。于是,这次的论文将围绕这一方面进行分析与探讨,以加深对它的了解。56768


Abstract: Currently, if we pay attention to the domestic market we might probably feel that the small and medium-sized enterprises have a considerable foreground in the domestic internal market. However, to what a extent, it is also a kind of risky things that remains lots of unpredictable conditions. Like the financial risk .It is a potential risk between the small and medium-sized enterprises, so that the control force become a vital factor during managing .The financial risk is to say that the company borrowed a mount of funds instead of being unable repay the debt, then the company will meet a risk meanwhile will be faced with a large repayment debt shortages. So we can find that the level of managing the financial risk has become a big issue in the small-sized companies. If the manager's regulations have a vital role of the financial risk .It is important factor that could be associated with the fate of any enterprise. So this time, I would like to talk about the topic of the importance of enterprise financial risk management.  

Keywords: Small and medium-sized enterprise , financial risk, prevention countermeasures

目 录

1  引言 4

2  中小企业财务风险概述 4

2.1  中小企业财务风险的概念 4

2.2  中小企业财务风险的类型 4

2.3  中小企业财务风险的现状 5

3  我国中小企业财务风险产生的原因分析 6

3.1  企业内部人员风险意识薄弱 6

3.2  企业外部环境的相互作用 6

4  德隆企业财务风险的案例分析 7

4.1  德隆企业的发展背景 7

4.2  德隆企业出现危机 7

4.3  “德隆现象”给中小企业的反思 11

5  防范中小企业财务风险的建议与对策 11

5.1  加强内部员工的风险意识 11

5.2  提高中小企业对外部环境的适应力 12

5.3  建立科学的财务决策机制 12

5.4  建立中小企业财务风险预警系统 12

结 论 14

参考文献 15

致 谢 16

1  引言

据调查研究表示,中小企业在国内市场的地位与日递增,它有足够的力量可以为社会作出许多的贡献。尤为突出的一方面是就业难,缓解了当下严峻的就业形势,而伴随这些优点的同时,中小企业自身也有很多的不足。一个事物总是有两面性,对于负面的一方,需提前制定好解决对策,否则所造成的影响将不计其数。根据部分数据显示,我国中小企业遭遇破产的噩耗关键就是财务风险,比如:产品销售困难、债务偿还压力等。可见,企业必须加强财务风险这一块的关注度,做好应对措施,加强企业的管理能力。要做到这些,首先我们要对财务风险有个认识,尤其是思维上的意识,以此作为前提,逐步去钻探,激励中小企业稳中求进。 德隆企业中小企业财务风险探析:http://www.youerw.com/kuaiji/lunwen_61343.html
