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时间:2020-03-09 13:28来源:毕业论文

In the 21st century, the market economy has been rapid development, the enterprise development speed is increased and the fierce market competition is increasingly. In order to conform to the trend of the development of the times, enhance the ability to resist risks, persification strategy are many seeking to applied to the future development of enterprises. As is known to all persification can more provide the opportunity to profit, enhance their ability to cope with emergencies and to increase capital utilization rate, reduce waste, so that the effect of enterprise's brand can get maximum play in the market. This thesis is from the angle of financial management, for the Phoenix medias research of persification, analysis of the accumulation of persified business strategy under the order of the Phoenix media in the process of persification of the unique experience. Accordingly, we can draw the following how to carry out persified management implications.
Key words: persified business; Phoenix media; financial management;
目  录
摘  要    3
第一章  绪论    6
1.1研究的背景与意义    6
1.2文献综述    6
1.3研究方法与研究内容    7
第二章  多元化经营的概念与相关理论    9
2.1 多元化经营的概念    9
2.2多元化经营的相关理论    9
第三章  凤凰传媒多元化经营分析    12
3.1凤凰传媒公司简介    12
3.2凤凰传媒多元化经营的分析    12
3.3凤凰传媒多元化经营的经验    15
第四章  凤凰传媒多元化经营的启示    16
结束语    18
致  谢    19
参考文献    20
第一章  绪论
目前,市场经济得到了飞速的发展,企业的发展速度也随之提高,日趋激烈的市场竞争使得企业不得不增强自身的竞争能力,“落后就要挨打”这是前人总结的教训。因此,越来越多的企业为了谋求发展选择了开展多元化经营。经营战略实施的正确与否很大程度上决定一个企业的成败,有些企业专注于单一行业,全部精力投放进去,只为增强核心竞争力,在人们对于产品要求越来越挑剔的当下,将业务做大做精,往往会有突出表现,取得意想不到的收获,不仅如此,由于经营单一,机构自然也就变得简单,所面临的经营风险也就相对较小,而多元化经营则可以在一定程度上分散风险,有利于扩大企业规模,产生协同效应,因此,极具争议性。只有企业发展到了一定的程度,多元化经营才会被提上议程,能给企业带来的帮助不必多说,但也存在着许多弊端。多元化经营增加了企业的运营难度,导致核心竞争力的减弱,在此背景下,如何正确的使用多元化战略则存在着重大的意义。 财务管理的角度凤凰传媒多元化经营研究:http://www.youerw.com/kuaiji/lunwen_47933.html