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时间:2019-04-07 18:03来源:毕业论文

毕业论文关键词:企业并购 并购效益  市场竞争
 Study of corporate mergers and acquisitions’ benefits
Abstract: As the market economy an important part of the smooth progress of M & A activity is required for businesses guaranteed. Since the merger can provide a good benefits, such as economies of scale, synergies and other business sectors for M & A activity should focus grasp and control. M & A is due to the target level of benefits enterprises to choose the timing of acquisitions, mergers and acquisitions and integration of payment and other aspects of the impact of a good grasp of all aspects of normal operation is the primary task of enterprise mergers and acquisitions. Through the merger benefit analysis, analysis of the factors affecting efficiency of mergers and acquisitions, corporate get optimal benefits made two recommendations. From the internal point of view, the need for further improving the internal corporate governance structure, establish and perfect the supervision and incentives, in addition, the various aspects of M & A process should be strictly controlled; from a market point of view, the need to establish a sound manager people market to achieve positive market economic reforms. Through the above suggestions that can improve the success rate of mergers and acquisitions activity and long-term benefits.
Key Words:Mergers and acquisitions, M & A Benefits, Market competition consuming
目 录 
一、    引言.. . .. .1
(一)研究背景.. . 1
(二)研究意义.. .. ..1
(三)研究回顾.. .. ..2
(四)研究思路及方法. . 2
二、企业并购的相关理论阐述.. ..2
(一)企业并购的涵义. ..3
(二)企业并购的类型. ..3
(三)企业并购动机分析和并购理论.. .5
(一)企业并购的现状.. ..6
(二)企业并购效益影响因素.. 6
四、企业并购效益的评价. . 8
(一)国家方面..  . .8
(二)企业方面. ..  .9
五、企业并购效益的案例研究.. .. 9
(一)吉利并购沃尔沃基本信息. 9
(二)并购效益分析.. ..10
(三)实证分析结论 .. . ..10
优尔、结束语.  ..11
参考文献. ..  ..12 
进入21世纪以来,全球经济进入了飞速发展,我国加入了全球经济化的大潮流之中。我国企业也开始追求更高效、更能融入全球化的运营模式和发展方向。与此同时,并购这一具有可以融合多方优势资源的经济活动就被越来越多的企业所认识到,并作为企业发展中考虑运用的方式之一。尤其在经济危机之后,全球经济受到严重的打击而导致处于低迷状态,但我国经济却仍在发展,这就给企业带来新的发展机遇。企业为了追赶是世界经济的发展步伐,并购成了发展的重要方式,而且跨国并购也越来越常见。但由于我国还处于初级阶段,并购这一经济活动还未完善有些经验不足,所以并购的成功率也较低。 企业并购效益研究+文献综述:http://www.youerw.com/kuaiji/lunwen_31803.html