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时间:2019-02-20 21:14来源:毕业论文

关键词  内部控制  有效性  影响因素  实证分析
Title  Factors affecting the effectiveness of the internal control of listed companies in our country                    
Since the Sarbanes-Oxley Act issued in 2002,a frenzy of internal control was set off from the American. In China, although frenzy from the American has attracted the attention of people and caused the domestic scholars for the enterprise internal control research, yet the real reason why enterprise widely exercised internal control is that five ministries and commissions such as the ministry of finance issued 《the enterprise internal control basic norms》in recent years. Not only that, the  Shenzhen and Shanghai stock exchanges require listed companies to produce enterprise internal control self assessment report in succession, that makes the internal control in our country enterprise fully covered.
In this context, refering to the effectiveness of internal control evaluation method of the predecessor , based on the analysis of the internal control self assessment report of listed companies in 2011 and 2012,we studyed the influence  factors on the effectiveness of internal control,.we hope this article can reach the purpose to help Chinese enterprises to improve the effectiveness of nternal control , and then help enterprise's management to better control the company, eventually protecting the interests of stakeholders.
This article mainly includes the following: summary and analysis  the relevant literatureboth at home and abroad bout internal control and the effectiveness , analyze of related theory,assume according to that , test the hypothesis according to the market data ,get final conclusion and make points and suggestions.
Keywords   internal control  effectiveness  factors  empirical analysis   
 目   次
1 引言 1
2理论基础及相关文献综述 2
2.1 国外有关内部控制的理论研究 2
2.2 国内关于内部控制有效性的研究 4
3  假设 6
3.1 内部控制有效性   6
3.2 影响内部控制有效性的因素 7
4 研究设计11
4.1 样本和数据来源11
结论  17
致谢  18
1  引言
对内部控制的实践以及理论的研究,起源于上世纪末本世纪初,欧美等西方国家的经济学家对企业运作的种种担忧,在影响巨大的安然公司事件爆发的同时,也爆发了对于企业内部控制的研究。企业到底需不需要进行内部控制,究竟如何进行内部控制,以及如何评价企业内部控制是否真实有效都成为了国内外学者的研究对象。在互联网覆盖全球的今日,可以说任何一家企业都有办法征集到全球的融资,这既是为有潜力苦无资金的企业发展提供了肥沃土壤,也为漏洞百出的公司骗取投资人钱财提供了机会。然而,除去这些要素,我们最担忧的是那些表面正常运作业绩良好的企业,事实上却在不知名的地方犯下了小小的错误,而这些错误放之任之的话,终将酿成大祸。因此,强调企业重视内部控制正是为了保护企业自身的利益以及其他利益相关者们的利益。 我国上市公司内部控制有效性的影响因素:http://www.youerw.com/kuaiji/lunwen_30551.html