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时间:2018-10-10 18:42来源:毕业论文

关键词  企业社会责任  财务绩效  能源企业  相关性
Title    The Relationship Between Corporate Social and Financial  Performance of Energy Enterprises                                                
With the rapid development of China's economy, people's living standards have been greatly improved. However many problems are also exposed during the process of rapid economic development. In the new economy, enterprises as a unit of our economic society, they must be aware of the social responsibilities they should take while seeking for the maximum interests. Therefore, for the enterprises, how to fulfill the corporate social responsibility (CSR) while maintaining considerable financial performance has become an important issue. The energy industry as a national crucial industry, it is closely related to people's lives. This paper firstly elaborates related theories of corporate social responsibility and corporate financial performance, and then use the empirical analysis to study the relationship between corporate social responsibility and financial performance, and finally draws a conclusion.
Keywords  Corporate Social Responsibility  Corporate Financial Performance  Energy Enterprises  Correlation
目   次
1  绪论    1
1.1  研究背景    1
1.2  研究意义    3
1.3  研究方法和主要内容    3
文献综述    5
2.1 国外文献综述    5
2.2 国内文献综述    5
2.3  总结    6
3  理论基础与研究假设    8
3.1  利益相关者理论    8
3.2  能源行业利益相关者及研究假设    8
4  实证研究    11
4.1  变量设计    11
4.2  模型与数据    14
4.2.1  构建模型    14
4.2.1  数据来源    15
5  实证结果及分析    16
5.1  描述性统计    16
6  结论及建议    20
结 论    22
致 谢    23
1  绪论
1.1  研究背景
随着社会经济的发展和社会环境的变化,消费者的意识也在随之变化,大众对于环保、产品质量、劳务安全等因素的要求越来越高,人们对于企业社会责任(CSR)的履行情况越来越看重。总也多次强调,我国经济现在已经进入健康发展的新时代,健康、稳步才是发展的基础,而不再过于追求速度。因此,人们逐渐开始有了可持续发展的意识。一个企业承担的社会责任已经成为其能否获得消费者认可的重要因素,当然也是一个企业永续发展的必然要求。西方发达国家相对于发展中国家来说,对于企业社会责任这一概念的认识要远远早于、深于发展中国家,无论是在对企业社会责任活动的披露方面还是在企业的捐献额、企业战略的转变方面,企履行业社会责任的意识已经在人们心中逐渐普及。 能源企业的社会责任与财务绩效的相关性研究:http://www.youerw.com/kuaiji/lunwen_23931.html