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时间:2018-05-08 10:05来源:毕业论文

Supply chain driving mechanism of corporate social responsibility research
Abstract:Based on the view of supply chain cole companies,this paper discussed how to fulfill the requirement of corporate social responsibility(CSR)in order to achieve the integration of ecommic and social benefits.
Firstly,according to amlysis of present research about CSR and supply chain CSR,and comlusion of recent research orientation, Study the driving factors of corporate social responsibility of supply chain management, respectively from the perspective of supply chain of corporate social responsibility under the actual case analysis and under the perspective of supply chain core enterprise social responsibility report two aspects into actual case analysis for the presence of driver problem, At the same time put forward the core supply chain centered non-core supply chain driving mechanism of corporate social responsibility, so as to initiate somewhat to research of the driving mechanism of corporate social responsibility development and innovation.
This paper discussed both theoretical and practical problems,and then used AHP and comprehensive fuzzy methods to analyze the supply chain operation system and SCOR based on CSR.This could contribute to the integration of CSR in China’s supply chain.
Key words: supply chain ;corporate social responsibility; driving mechanism
目 录
引言    4
1 供应链企业社会责任    4
1.1 供应链的概念    4
1.2 核心企业简介    5
1.3 供应链企业引入社会责任    6
2 供应链核心企业社会责任驱动的因素分析    6
2.1 外因驱动    6
2.1.1 政府与行业组织的规定    7
2.1.2 企业合作伙伴的要求    7
2.2 内因驱动    7
2.2.1企业自身的社会责任观    8
2.2.2 获得社会声誉的需要    8
3 非核心企业承担企业社会责任的驱动机制    8
3.1 合同式驱动机制    9
3.2 经济刺激机制    9
3.3 直接参与机制    10
3.4 信息共享机制    10
4 供应链企业社会责任驱动案例分析    11
4.1 星巴克供应链管理分析    11
4.2 沃尔玛企业社会责任市场监督    12
4.3 Nike非核心供应链社会责任缺失分析    13
5 供应链企业社会责任驱动机制的管理建议    14
致谢    15
参考文献    16
近年来中国先后发生5•12汶川大地震、乳制品“三聚氰胺”、双汇火腿肠“瘦肉精”等事件,引发社会各界对中国企业社会责任的广泛关注,中国企业社会责任活动呈现“井喷”式增长态势。仅以国内发布的企业社会责任报告为例,2008年共发布169份,2009年共发布582份,2010年共发布663份[1] 。管理大师Senge提出,企业社会责任分为五个发展阶段:不合规阶段、合规阶段、超越合规阶段、可持续发展与战略融合阶段、使命愿景阶段[2]。分析中国企业社会责任报告,可发现大多数企业的社会责任活动缺乏系统性,与企业战略严重脱钩[3]。企业应如何履行社会责任,才能真正与企业战略融合,促进企业可持续发展,是当前企业界与学术界对企业社会责任的关注焦点[3,4]。 供应链企业社会责任驱动机制研究:http://www.youerw.com/kuaiji/lunwen_15106.html