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时间:2022-11-13 22:56来源:毕业论文


毕业论文关键词: “营改增”; 交通运输业; 总体税负

Impact of the Change from Business Tax to Value-Added Tax for the transportation industry

AbstractIn order to solve the problem of double taxation of goods and services tax, perfecting the current tax system of our country, the support of modern transportation industry and service industry continues to develop, from January 1, 2012 ,the State Council decided to Shanghai city as a pilot reform area, in the transportation industry and part of modern service industry by value added tax instead of business tax in August 1, 2013, in the country, the effect of reform of the transportation tax will of the transportation tax caused some changes, based on "the effect of replacing business tax with value-added tax(VAT) for transportation to the analysis of the differences, replacing business tax with value-added tax(VAT)" before and after the business tax and value-added tax。 And further analysis of "replacing business tax with value-added tax(VAT)" brings the development of the transport industry, and for its problems, propose specific solutions from both government and business。

Keywords: the change from Business Tax to Value-Added Tax;  transportation industry;  overall tax burden。


0 引言 1

1 交通运输业“营改增”的必要性和可行性分析 1

1。1概念释义 1

1。1。1交通运输业的定义 1

1。1。2 营业税与增值税的定义 1

1。1。3 交通运输业“营改增”的研究背景 1

1。2 交通运输业营业税改增值税的必要性分析 2

1。2。1 交通运输业“营改增”有利于消除重复征税现象 2

1。2。2  交通运输业“营改增”利于税收征管 3

1。2。3 交通运输“营改增”是我国税制改革的必然趋势 3

1。3 交通运输业“营改增”可行性分析 3

1。3。1 交通运输业在上海试点的情况 3

2 交通运输业“营改增”对账务处理的影响 4

2。1 确认收入和月末计算应纳营业税额的会计处理 4

2。2 交通运输企业在购进固定资产时的会计处理: 5

2。3 对交通运输企业税款的影响 5

2。3。1 积极影响 6

2。3。2 消极影响 6

3“营改增”对交通运输企业税负及利润影响分析 营业税改增值税对交通运输业的影响研究:http://www.youerw.com/kuaiji/lunwen_102106.html
