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时间:2017-05-15 17:37来源:毕业论文

关键词  换刀机器人 伺服电机 减速齿轮 滚珠丝杠
Title:The Design Of Automatic Tool Changer Robot——
Design Of Vertical Movement System                
In the modern manufacturing industry, In order to increase the production efficiency, ensure products’ quality, enterprise pay more attention in the process of automation. The automatic tool-change robot should change the tools fast, the  tool repositioning precision is high ,the selection and change of the tool is  reliable ,the equipment should be small ,easy to set up and  fix .In this paper, the four degrees of freedom manipulator has been designed ,which includes horizontal movement and vertical movement as well as its wrist rotation of 180 degrees, and the robot’s drive transmission coordinate and other technical problems have been demonstrated to meet their various demands. In this paper, the vertical movement system is designed especially. The structure uses the servo motor drive to achieve their movements in the vertical direction. In order to meet the precision requirements, the MDDDT5540 models of servo motor is selected as the driving force, and in the body a reduction gear is  added, which ratio of transmission is i=2. Finally, ball screw of FFzd5005 is used.

Keywords: Automatic tool-change robot   Servo motor   Reduction gear
           Ball screw
1 引言    1
1.1自动换刀装置的发展历史和研究现状 1
1.2自动换刀装置的发展趋势 2
1.3本课题要研究或解决的问题和拟采用的研究手段(途径)   3
2 总体方案设计   5
2.1 坐标形式的选择 5
2.2 自由度的选择   6
2.3 驱动方式的选择 6
2.4 传动方式的选择 6
2.5 位置精度的保证 7
2.6 垂直升降系统的机构设计 7
2.7 制动方式的选择 7
2.8 导轨方式的选择 7
3 垂直部分设计计算  11
3.1滚珠丝杠的选取 11
3.2电机的选择   16
3.3丝杠支撑轴承及联轴器的选择   19
3.3.1 轴承的选择   19
3.3.2 联轴器的选择   21
3.4减速器的设计计算  23
  3.4.1 齿轮的设计计算与校核 23
  3.4.2 轴的设计计算与校核   26
3.5导轨的选择    28
4 结论   30
致 谢    31
参考文献   32
1  引言
     自动换刀装置(Automatic Tool Changer,简称ATC)由刀库、机械手和驱动装置等部分组成。刀库的功能是用于存储刀具,并把即将要用的刀具准确地送到换刀位置,供换刀机械手完成新旧刀具的交换。刀库配置在主轴附近,换刀机构在主轴和刀库之间执行换刀动作,完成此功能的机构称为机械手。机械手包括送刀臂、摆刀站和换刀臂等部分。机械手完成刀具装卸和在主轴头与刀库之间的传递。驱动装置是使刀库和机械手实现其功能的动力装置,一般由步进电机或液压(或气液机构)或凸轮机构组成[1]。 自动换刀机器人设计垂直升降系统设计:http://www.youerw.com/jixie/lunwen_7073.html