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时间:2016-11-13 17:06来源:毕业论文

Design of the improvement of 3-DOF Manipulator
Abstract: In modern advanced manufacturing, the proportion of the automation mechanics increasing over time. Whether large or small and medium-sized state-owned enterprises to improve their own level of advanced manufacturing, in the production process of the application of mechatronics products is essential. Manipulator plays an important role in the modern advanced manufacturing process. Application of the manipulator in the production of manufacturing , to improve the productivity of enterprises, improve productivity of enterprises
It is the application of the manipulator in the production of manufacturing that the productivity of enterprises and productivity of enterprises improved. Repeatability and high positional accuracy is the key to guarantee the quality of the products. The issue is to improve the original structure of manipulator to improve the efficiency and service life of the manipulator.
Key words: manipulator; advanced manufacturing; 3D modeling
1绪论    1
1.1机械手简介    1
1.2机械手分类    1
1.3课题的研究背景与意义    2
1.4原机械手的结构调研    3
1.5课题实践    3
2总体方案    4
2.1结构改进方案    4
2.2关键结构方案    4
2.3电机驱动装置设计方案    4
2.4机械手总装图    5
3机械手的结构设计与关键结构    7
3.1原机械手结构与改进后机械手结构对比    7
3.1.1滑动导轨与滚动导轨副的对比    7
3.1.2皮带传动与齿轮和同步带传动的对比    8
3.1.3普通丝杠与滚珠丝杠螺母副的对比    9
3.2难点的解决方案及关键结构    9
3.2.1回转装置结构设计    9
3.2.2轴向推力装置结构设计    10
3.3机械手其余部分设计    11
3.3.1机械手夹持器设计    11
3.3.2带传动结构设计    11
3.3.3机械手的齿条拉杆设计    12
4设计计算    14
4.1滚珠丝杠螺母副临界转速 的校验    14
4.2滚珠丝杠螺母副额定寿命的校验    15
4.3滚动直线导轨寿命校核    15
4.4滚珠丝杠螺母副临界压缩载荷 的校验    17
5.电机驱动装置的设计    23
5.1设计方案的形成    23
5.1.1电路设计方案    23
5.2驱动电路原理图    24
6 结论与展望    26
致谢    27
参考文献    28,3668
机械手(mechanical hand)也被称为自动手(auto hand),能模仿人手或手臂的某些动作功能,用来安固定程序抓取、搬运物件或操作工具的自动操作装置.机械手是最早出现的工业机器人,也是最早出现的现代机器人,它可代替人的繁重劳动以实现生产的机械化和自动化,能在有害环境下操作以保护人身安全,因而广泛应用于机械制造、冶金、电子、轻工和原子能等部门。 三自由度机械手改进设计+CAD图纸:http://www.youerw.com/jixie/lunwen_66.html