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时间:2020-07-25 11:56来源:毕业论文



Abstract  With the development of modern technology, constantly evolving microscope, medical microscope has become a indispensable part of life, but also become an important adjunct in clinical aspects. This topic research microscope is widely used to study medical examination, provides great convenience for the modern disease inspection. Microscope frame designed in this paper, the microscope can achieve six degrees of freedom of movement in space. Design of medical microscope is on the basis of XTY-1 type, increase the balance arm, the microscope operation space increases, thereby overcoming the small working space of the original. The research is on the balance arm, the balance arm makes the microscope work space increased, but also want to consider to stop it in a certain space range and operation problems. Mainly related to the selection and calculation of the spring, and select the better parts to replace the spring etc.. The entity model of mechanical design, mechanical principles, mechanical manufacturing base of knowledge built up.

Keywords: Medical microscope ;frame design ;balance arm 

目 录

第一章 绪论 4

1.1 国内外医疗显微镜的发展状况 4

第二章   机架方案设计 6

2.1 医疗显微镜简介 6

2.2 机架的基本组成部分 6

2.3 医疗显微镜机架的平衡方式 7

2.4 弹簧平衡的原理与形式 9

2.5 锁紧技术简介 10

2.6 机架设计的一般要求 11

2.7 设计方案的确定 12

第三章 机架的详细设计 14

3.1 Solidworks简介 14

3.2 Solidworks与其他同类软件的比较 14

3.3 AutoCAD简介 15

3.4底座设计 16

3.5 撑地止动装置的设计 17

3.6 脚轮的设计 18

3.7 立柱的设计 19

3.8 承载臂的设计 20

3.9 弹簧臂的设计 21

3.10 前支座和后支座的设计 24

第四章 机架的装配 26

4.1 机架的装配问题 26

4.2 模拟机架安装说明 27

4.3 机架总体结构图 Solidworks医疗检查用显微镜机架设计:http://www.youerw.com/jixie/lunwen_56938.html
