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时间:2020-07-04 21:17来源:毕业论文

摘要随着世界的快速发展,各个地区各个国家之间资源物质的运输越来越频繁。而大型运输船在这其中承担着最重要的运输工具,因此大型运输船的安全也成为重中之重 ,当船在行驶过程中遇到紧急情况时我们就需要一个应急拖带将船拖走。因此准确的测量船用应急拖带拉力承受强度,才能满足工程技术要求,确保施工安全。所以船用应急拖带拉力试验机这一研究领域近年来得到广泛关注和普遍重视。在分析和论述国内外船用应急拖带拉力试验机的发展现状的基础上,了解船用应急拖带拉力试验机的工作原理,设计出此次设计要求可以提供4000KN的船用应急拖带拉力试验机51999

    本文是关于船用应急拖带拉力试验机的设计,前期我们主要收集有关拉力试验机的文献了解拉力试验机主要结构形式和工作原理,确定本次设计拉力试验机的结构形式在了解拉力试验机的工作原理和确定拉力试验机的结构形式后我们就需要对其中的主要零件进行详细的尺寸设计。在确定了主要零件的尺寸后我们就在solidworks中进行三维建模,最后在solidworks中对主要零部件进行强度校核。 前一部分我们会对船用应急拖带拉力试验机中最重要的零部件液压缸进行详细的设计。后一部分我们会对船用应急拖带中主要受零部件进行强度校核。

毕业论文关键词: 拉力机,  应急拖带 , 强度校核

Abtract with the rapid development of the world, each region resource material transportation is more and more frequent between each country. And large carrier which carries the most important means of transportation, so large tanker safety has become a top priority, when the boat in the driving process in case of emergency, we need a emergency towing the ship dragged away. So accurate vessel with emergency towing pull strength, can satisfy the technical requirements, to ensure construction safety. So the research field of Marine emergency towing tensile testing machine widely attention and wide attention in recent years. In analysis and current development of Marine emergency towing tensile testing machine at home and abroad is discussed, on the basis of understanding the working principle of the Marine emergency towing a tensile testing machine to design the design requirements can provide 4000 kn of Marine emergency towing tensile testing machine

     This article is the design of the Marine emergency towing tensile testing machine, we mainly collect the literature of tensile testing machine understand the main structure and working principle of the tensile testing machine, tensile testing machine to determine the design of the structure in the understanding of the principle of operation of tensile testing machine and determine the structure of tensile testing machine after we need to the size of the detailed design of main parts. In determining the size of the main parts after we are done in solidworks 3 d modeling, the strength check was carried out on the main parts in solidworks. The first part we will to Marine emergency towing tensile testing machine is the most important parts in hydraulic cylinder design in detail. Part we will mainly by parts of Marine emergency towing intensity.

keywords: tensile machine, emergency towing ,strength check 

第一章 绪论1

1.1概论 1

1.1.1 研究的背景 1

1.1.2研究的注意事项 1

1.1.3研究的意义和主要工作 1


1.2.1金属拉力试验机 2

1.2.2橡胶拉力试验机 2

       1.2.3塑料拉力试验机...2 solidworks船用应急拖带拉力试验机设计+CAD图纸:http://www.youerw.com/jixie/lunwen_55817.html
