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时间:2020-05-25 21:29来源:毕业论文



毕业论文关键词: 车床变速箱、操纵机构、制动。 

ABSTRACT   Lathe gearbox is one of the main components of the lathe。It is good or bad performance is one of the important aspects of the evaluation of machine performance ,Connect it machine coupling and machine motor pulley, etc.Pass the power and torque from the motor to the drive shaft,Different output speed gear transmission, the gearbox main role is to adjust the spindle speed and torque through the transmission device, and ensure the machine running smoothly in such a speed.

    This design is to design the transmission of ordinary lathe eighteen, taking into account the need to consider the control mechanism, lubrication, seals, brake problems. Access to information, to select the best transmission scheme; estimates to check various parameters to calculate accurate results; reasonable arrangements for the spatial arrangement and obtained a reasonable assembly drawing.Solve the different problems encountered in the design, and provides a solution to this. The classic machine tool design, spatial arrangement of the economy, the practicality of the control mechanism, the effectiveness of the lubrication system. Ultimately the successful completion of the design task is completed.

Keywords: lathe gearbox, control mechanism, brake.


第一章  绪论 2

第二章  设计方案的拟定 3

2.1  传动系统的运动设计 3

2.2  皮带轮设计 6

2.3  传动轴的估算和验算 10

2.4  齿轮的估算和验算 12

2.4.1齿轮的估算 12

2.4.2齿轮的验算 14

第三章 变速箱辅助装置设计 26

3.1  片式离合器的选择 26

3.2  润滑系统设计 28

3.3  制动装置的选择 31

3.4  操纵机构的选择 32

第四章  总结 34

参考文献 36

致谢 37

第一章  绪论

车床主要用于加工回转面(内外圆柱面、圆锥面、成型回转面等)及其端面。主运动是主轴的回转运动,进给运动是刀架的直线移动。车床上使用的刀具主要是车刀,也使用钻头、铰刀、扩孔钻等孔加工刀具。由于具有回转表面的机器零件较多,车床的性能有比较广泛,因而一般机器制造厂中,车床的应用较为普遍,往往可占机床总台数20%~35%。 专用车削主轴变速箱设计:http://www.youerw.com/jixie/lunwen_52843.html
