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时间:2020-04-21 19:58来源:毕业论文


关键词  空间污染  内弹道  喷嘴仿真  


Title   Design for space pulse spraying  Anti-Satellite Weapon warhead                                                 


Aim at soft-damaged technology of space war, this paper designed a space pulse spraying ASAT warhead. By establishing the model of spatial orientation of spray painting, giving the relevant parameters for the classical interior ballistic calculation. At the same time, the expansion of rarefaction wave technique is introduced, comparing with the expansion of rarefaction wave internal ballistic model, to find ways to reduce the recoil. Introduce the occurrence of liquid physical phenomenon in vacuum environment, and based on ANSYS software, simulate the key process—the outflow field of nozzles with different shapes and liquids of different viscosity with dynamic finite element method, summarize the relevant conclusions and provide the help for the engineering development of the spraying soft kill anti-satellite ammunition.

Keywords   Space pollution   Interior ballistic   Nozzle simulation.

目   录

1  绪论 1

1.1 国内外研究现状 2

1.1.1  反卫星武器国内外研究现状 3

1.1.2  喷涂技术国内外研究现状 3

1.2 本篇论文内容介绍 4

2  喷涂载荷总体方案设计 5

2.1  喷涂载荷关键技术解决 5

2.1.1  液体发射技术 5

2.1.2  喷嘴喷射技术 6

2.2  喷涂形面控制 7

3  内弹道计算 9

3.1  经典内弹道计算 9

3.1.1  内弹道装填参量的确定 9

3.1.2  内弹道微分方程推导 10

3.1.3  编制内弹道方程组程序并计算 13

3.1.4  活塞部位有限元校核 16

3.2  膨胀波内弹道模型 16

3.2.1  膨胀波模型基本假设 16

3.2.2  膨胀波发射相关理论 17

4  喷涂环境介绍 20

4.1  仿真环境与空间环境的差别——闪蒸现象 20

4.2  拟选用材料——硅油 22

5  雾化喷嘴Fluent仿真计算 24

5.1  直流喷嘴喷射仿真 空间脉冲喷涂反卫星战斗部设计:http://www.youerw.com/jixie/lunwen_50285.html
