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时间:2019-09-25 21:07来源:毕业论文

 Design Rocker hydraulic clearance machine        
[Summary] : Now, with the increasing degree of mechanization of coal mining, underground coal bunker storage capacity is also growing, but also to the bunker along with clean-up work to bring difficult. Therefore, the study of the underground bunker cleaning method is very meaningful. The design of the arm hydraulic clearing machine, the purpose of cleaning up coal bunker makes more efficient mechanization. .The design of most of the system uses a hydraulic drive way to achieve body movements, using hydraulic transmission because the hydraulic drive to meet the power source, the actuator is separated, so that the whole mechanism of action more coherent and stable. Further hydraulic stepless speed can also be achieved as well as the requirements of the remote control, light weight, small size,
smooth transmission is one of the important reasons for the use of a hydraulic drive in this design. Underground complex situation because of the restrictions by the most important design principle is to achieve the hydraulic oil in the loop security control to ensure protection of process equipment operator safety. Bunker is consistent with safety requirements to clean up.
[Keywords]: coal bin; clean-up; hydraulic transmission
目    录
1 绪论    5
1.1 研究对象的背景及其意义    5
1.2 煤仓清理技术的发展概况    5
1.2.1 井下煤仓堵塞的原因    5
1.2.2 井下煤仓的清理方法    7
2 方案设计    9
2.1 方案基本设想    9
2.2 方案设计    9
2.2.1 总体方案设计    9
2.2.2 机械方案设计    10
2.2.3 液压方案设计    11
2.2.4 工作机构动作顺序    13
3 系统设计    15
3.1 执行机构设计    15
3.1.1调节缸计算与选取    15
3.1.2 旋转平台设计    16
3.1.3 支撑缸与外观设计    20
3.2 液压泵站设计    22
3.2.1 工作参数确定    22
3.2.2 性能验算    23
3.2.3 编写工况图表    25
3.2.4 选择液压泵    25
3.2.5 控制元件选取    26
3.2.6 选择电动机    27
3.2.7 选择计算液压辅助件    28
3.2.8 液压系统性能验算    29                                                                                     摇臂式液压清仓机的结构设计:http://www.youerw.com/jixie/lunwen_39864.html