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时间:2017-03-04 14:30来源:毕业论文

Self-propelled attack mud mechanism design                                                                   
Summary:This design is more needed in a modern industrial soil drilling machinery and equipment, The mechanical structure can be achieved and drag the cable hole in the soil environment. Its structure is simple and compact , inexpensive to manufacture , stable and reliable, Has a huge market potential and broad prospects for application.
In the overall program design, First of all, according to the specific requirements of this self-propelled attack mud to determine the overall texture and structure. Overall texture and structure , including the design of radial of drum retraction mechanism movement, The axial stretching kinematics design. Second the overall stability of the institution, The various components to make the calculation, Determine the size of each part of the body. And map out an overall view of the assembly of component parts diagram.
Keyword: Attack mud;The expansion mechanism;Telescopic mechanism;Mechanical Design
1 前言    2
1.1 课题背景及研究意义    2
1.2 国内外的研究进展与主要成果    3
1.3 本课题所做的主要工作    4
2 总体方案设计    4
2.1 方案拟定    4
2.2 方案论证    5
2.3 课题任务及要求    7
2.3.1 技术指标    7
2.3.2 工作内容    7
2.3.3 关键技术    8
3 径向鼓缩机构的设计    8
3.1 连杆机构的设计与计算    8
3.1.1 连杆的设计    9
3.1.2 计算活塞杆的行程和所需推力    10
3.2 液压缸的设计和计算    14
3.2.1 液压缸的简介    14
3.2.2 液压缸的类型    15
3.2.3 液压缸的计算    17
3.3 液压缸的稳定性和活塞杆强度验算    25
3.3.1 液压缸稳定性验算    25
3.3.2 活塞杆强度计算    27
4 轴向伸缩机构的设计    28
4.1 液压缸的选择    28
4.1.2 活塞杆的设计与计算    30
4.1.3 最小导向长度的确定    31
4.1.4 活塞的宽度选取    31
4.1.5 导向套滑动面的长度选取    31
4.1.6 液压缸的长度    32
4.2 液压缸的稳定性和活塞杆强度验算    32
结论    34
谢 辞    35
参考文献    36

1 前言
1.1 课题背景及研究意义 自走式攻泥器机构设计+CAD图纸:http://www.youerw.com/jixie/lunwen_3733.html