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时间:2019-03-31 20:08来源:毕业论文

Multi-directional vibration platform
Multi-directional vibration platform of this design is to measure the whole process and the connection strength, mock objects in a variety of production and living conditions State important laboratory equipment to detect and 1000N artifacts can be XYZ in three directions on a reciprocating motion. The graduation design of vibration mechanism and vibration mechanism is different, the oscillating mechanism can be simulated objects encountered in three directions vibration, or by removing some parts to simulate the vibration on any one direction or both directions, vibration mechanism can be improved by the use of, and high space utilization to facilitate disassembly. And dovetail parts used balls, slide the upper and lower rail guides in one direction friction to rolling friction, which greatly reduces the friction losses, increase the service life of the design and use of results. Besides platforms cam rotational vibrations of the driven plane and connected with a spring in order to overcome the vibration caused by inertial forces, make the platform capable of forming regular, controlled reciprocating movement. Based on the above characteristics design of cam structure, calculates the intensity of transmission system and use an appropriate construction, as well as to check the strength and normal operation of the guarantee institutions to, finally, according to the power required using suitable servo motors, and determine the installation location on the base, to complete the design.
Key Words:  Multi- platform to vibration ; servo motor ; bearings and gear design ; vibration sensor
1 前言    3
1.1 振动试验系统现状与发展    3
1.3 振动及其描述    3
1.3.1振动及其分类    3
1.3.2正弦振动的描述    4
2 设计方案的确定    5
2.1 课题中的主要重点及解决方案    5
2.2系统拟定的一般原则    5
2.3 确定最终传动方案    6
3 基座部分的设计    8
3.1 支架部分的选择    8
3.1.1材料选择    8
4 电动机部分的设计    8
4.1选择电动机的类型    9
4.1.1 交流伺服控制电动机的结构和原理    10
4.1.2伺服电动机特点    11
4.1.3 电动机功率的选择与计算    12
4.2 轴承的选择    13
4.3 键联接选择及校核    15 多向振动实验平台设计+CAD图纸:http://www.youerw.com/jixie/lunwen_31582.html