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时间:2019-03-30 22:10来源:毕业论文

The design of automobile steering knuckle processing technology and process equipment
Abstract: To switch to energy-saving vehicle driving stability and sensitive transfer direction of travel automobile turn to one of the main parts of the bridge, steering function of the festival is to bear the load of the front part of an automobile, supporting and driving the front wheels rotate around the main pin and steering of the automobile. In the driving state, it is subjected to the changeable impact load, therefore, it has a high strength.. Therefore, it is needed to solve the design of the high level technology, so as to design the fixture with high positioning accuracy, reliable and convenient manufacture.. The machine tool fixture can make the work piece in the machining process have a reasonable position, and keep the position unchanged, is a device for the work piece work piece. And this time we need the fixture is a fixture in the special fixture, this fixture is for a certain part of the process and specially designed, special fixture is widely used in mass production.
Keyword: Technology route; steering knuckle; processing technology; special fixture
目  录
Abstract II
绪论    1
1  零件的分析2
1.1   零件的功用2
1.2   零件的工艺分析2
2    零件工艺规程设计…4
2.1 确定零件毛坯的制造形式4
2.2 确定零件的生产类型4
2.3  制定工艺路线 5
2.4  机械加工余量、工序尺寸毛坯尺寸的确定 8
2.5  确定切削用量及基本工时12
3  夹具的设计31
3.1  概述  …31
3.2  方案设计  …31
3.3  设计夹具  …31
致谢 …39
参考文献 …40
绪 论国内技术相比于国外工业,基础薄弱很多,转向节的加工技术起步晚,相关经验较少。因此,国内生产的转向节加工专机,在实际加工中,常常难以达到产品图纸的技术要求,也难以保证生产节拍,降低了生产效率。因此就转向节的自主设计能力来讲,我国转向节生产技术与国外先进技术的差距还是很大的。
此次设计的零件为CA141汽车转向节工艺及工装设计。通过零件,分析它的毛坯。在毛坯制造时的方法与原则,以及所选用的工艺等。本次设计总共分为两部分, 第一部分为工艺方面:主要包括零件的功用, 结构特点, 加工零件表面的设计基准, 设计条件, 毛坯的选择, 各个工艺方案的比较与取舍, 确定机床与工艺装备, 填写工艺过程卡片。 第二部分主要为机床夹具设计:主要包括定位方案的确定, 定位元件的选取, 夹紧方案的选取等等。 汽车转向节加工工艺及工艺装备设计:http://www.youerw.com/jixie/lunwen_31438.html