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时间:2017-02-06 09:18来源:毕业论文

摘要: 摆动气缸是水处理系统中的重要部件,通常用摆动气缸控制蝶阀将不同阶段的水进行分隔处理,而用摆动气缸控制蝶阀的启闭以其以压缩空气为动力,来源方便,动作时间快,可实现远程控制和自动化操作,结构简单,文护方便,成本低等优点来得到了越来越广泛的应用。5498
The Design of Rotary Cylinder in the Water Treatment System
Abstract: The rotary cylinder is an important part of the system of water treatment; it usually needs the butterfly valve which is controlled by the rotary cylinder to separate the water in different moment. The rotary cylinder, which is used to control the open and close of the butterfly valve, is becoming more and more widely used in the advantage of its compressed air driven power, convenient resource, quick response, remote control and automatic operation, simple construct, easy maintenance, low cost.
The issue of this graduation design is the design of rotary cylinder in the water treatment. Through comparing the control ways of butterfly valves, rotary cylinders are selected as the equipment to control butterfly valves, and the working principle of the rotary cylinder is introduced. Then verifying the design project of the structure of rotary cylinders, and then designing the structure of the components in the rotary cylinder, calculating and checking the main parts of the rotary cylinder. Last, with the knowledge of drawing, the assembly drawing and the main parts of the rotary cylinder are done.
Key Words: water treatment, butterfly valve, rotary cylinder
目 录
1 绪论1
1.1 选题的背景 1
1.2 国内外研究现状 1
1.3 课题的实际应用意义 4
2 摆动气缸的种类和工作原理  6
2.1叶片式摆动气缸 6
2.2齿轮齿条式摆动气缸 6
3 摆动气缸主要结构参数确定  9
4 摆动气缸的主体结构设计 10
5 方案论证 11
5.1蝶阀的控制方式  11
5.2摆动气缸的密封问题  13
5.2.1密封方式的选用 13
5.2.2密封材料的选用 14
5.2.3密封件结构的选用 14
  5.3.1垫圈 16
5.3.2内优尔角螺栓 18
5.4摆动气缸外部连接方式的确定  18
5.5 主要零件的材料选用  20
5.5.1 缸体材料的选用20
5.5.2 活塞材料的选用21
5.5.3 齿轮轴材料的选用21
5.5.4 端盖材料的选用21
5.5.5活塞滑动轴承材料的选用 21
6摆动气缸结构设计计算 24
6.4.1端盖设计 30
6.4.2端盖与缸体连接螺钉设计与校核 30
6.4.3密封件设计 31
6.4.4滑动轴承设计计算和校核 31
6.4.5齿轮轴与缸体连接弹性挡圈的设计 32
6.4.6挡块厚度计算 34
毕业设计总结 37
致谢 39
参考文献 40
1 绪论
1.1 选题的背景
随着工业化的不断发展,人类生活随着科学技术的不断进步而发生着翻天覆地的变化,这种工业革命再给我们的生活带来巨大方便的同时也逐渐对我们周围的生态环境造成可怕影响。众所周知,在资源的不断攫取和环境的肆意破坏下,我们赖以生存的大气,水和土地等资源正面临着无法估计的威胁,正是由于这样的困境,人类意识到要对资源的节约和环境的保护,正运用技术来改变这种现状。 水处理系统中摆动气缸设计+CAD图纸:http://www.youerw.com/jixie/lunwen_2552.html