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时间:2018-09-27 19:56来源:毕业论文

关键词  自动武器  大容量弹匣  结构设计  可靠性分析
Title    The Design and Reliability Analysis of High-Capacity Magazine 
With the great development of fire of the automatic weapons, it will do a great favor for soldiers to improve effectiveness of the battle. It can also help a lot by gaining the initiative in the battlefield. In the future, the demand for high-capacity magazine will gradually be improved. Through the analysis on the advantages and disadvantages of the existing magazine, I designed a four horizontal high-capacity magazine. By the magazine structure not only can we expand its capacity, but also can make full height of the gun greatly decreased, and the structure principle is feasible. In my design, it is pided into two parts, the functional design and structure design, functional design mainly contains the functions of the parts, and in structure design, I designed the parts by the calculation of the forces of from different roles. At last, I did some analysis works, including the self-locking conditions of the projectile, the providing timeliness of the projectile by the spring, and it also including the calculation and analysis of the part. By all these I can finish a reliable structural design.
Keywords  automatic weapons  high-capacity magazine  structure design   analysis
1  引言    1
1.1  国内外研究概况    1
1.1.1 国外大容量弹匣研究现状    1
1.1.2 国内对大容量弹匣的研究现状    3
1.2 弹匣的发展趋势    4
1.3 研究思路及方法    5
2总体方案设计    6
2.1 方案的拟定    6
2.2 方案的确定    9
3  弹匣结构设计    11
3.1  容弹仓设计    11
3.2 供弹板    17
3.3 抱弹座    18
3.4 变向件    19
3.5 供弹簧的设计    22
3.5.1供弹及时性    22
3.5.2供弹簧最小装配高度    24
3.6 其他部件    26
3.7 弹匣整体装配图    27
4  弹匣可靠性分析    29
4.1 弹匣供弹分析    29
4.2 枪弹在变向件中变向分析[12]    30
结  论    34
致  谢    35
参考文献    36
1 引言
自动步枪和冲锋枪的主要供弹方式是弹匣供弹。通常将进弹类型划分为两类——单进与双进,即同时有几排枪弹进入供弹口,通常和弹匣排数一起给出,如:单排单进,双排单进,双排双进,四排双进等四种不同的方式。按弹匣和枪械连接方式的不同,弹匣又可以分为固定和可换弹匣两种主要的结构。目前战场上各国主要装备的常用的是可换弹匣这种结构,而这种结构主要包括了弧形弹匣、梯形弹匣和矩形弹匣这3种结构,在这些弹匣中枪弹大多是依次从上向下排列在其中,但是由于枪械横向尺寸有着一定的限制,这些弹匣的容弹量一般都比较小,容弹量在35发左右,很难完成现代战争条件下士兵的需求。增加冲锋枪和自动步枪火力持续性,不仅能够提高士兵的战斗力,从而在战场上占得先机,而且大容量弹匣在未来战场上存在较为重要的意义,对其的研究在现阶段对士兵装备也是极其必要的。而目前出现的大容量弹匣结构多样,各具特色,通过对这些弹匣的研究,了解其现状及发展趋势,并扬长避短,制定出能够适应未来战场且合理可行的弹匣设计方案,就成为本文的研究内容。 大容量弹匣设计及可靠性分析:http://www.youerw.com/jixie/lunwen_23544.html