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时间:2018-07-07 19:18来源:毕业论文

Title   Development of IC card reader remote meter reading system                                         
In order to solve these problems such as big workload, unstable control, delayed upload data and so on caused by the present city heating system mater control center's using only one single control mode, here comes a storied building concentrator as control object of intelligent control terminal. For this terminal, this paper designed one kind of IC card read/write device. The device include one ATMEGA48 MCU as control center, the RFID technology as the core, one MF - RC522 chip for the communications of contactless IC card read and write. This paper expounds the composition of the read/write device system hardware design, work style, and the corresponding software.
In this paper, the completed hardware included Single chip microcomputer control circuit, the SPI bus, radio frequency identification (RFID) based on RC522, read-write antenna and interface conversion circuit. After study the workflow of the terminal. The completed preparation of the software system include recharge, deduction, modify the user's IC card, and display user's information after credit card. And at last, the paper finished the USART communication between MCU and PC. and then Write data from the IC card to corresponding database.
Keywords: IC card, RC522, ATMEGA48, heating system master center, reader, embedded system
1  绪论    1
1.1  课题的研究背景    1
1.2  国内外研究现状与趋势    2
1.3  论文的研究内容及意义    4
2  IC卡读写器硬件系统设计    5
2.1  嵌入式系统的基本概念    5
2.2  AVR单片机模块的选型与设计    6
2.3  射频通讯模块电路设计    7
2.3.1  射频通讯模块芯片的选型与设计    8
2.3.2  射频通讯模块天线的设计    9
2.3.3  射频通讯模块的内部电路连接    10
2.4  串行通信模块    10
2.5实际硬件:    11
3  IC卡读写器软件系统设计    12
3.1  系统需求分析    12
3.2  功能需求分析    12
3.3  软件详细设计与实现    13
3.3.1  系统的初始化    13 ATMEGA48单片机远程抄表系统主控中心的IC卡读写器研发:http://www.youerw.com/jixie/lunwen_19135.html