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时间:2018-06-21 20:53来源:毕业论文

3000 litres of kneading machine's Covers and body design
Abstract: Kneading machine is an industrial raw material to mix by stirring device.Kneading can be pided into intermittent and continuous kneading machine.Nirvana's historic mixed pot, a wide range of applications, not only are widely used in chemical, petroleum as well as the construction industry and other traditional industrial types.Compared to intermittent kneading,there is a high production efficiency,pollution-free,and many other advantages in continuous kneading machine.Among them, end cap of mixing pot is connected with the main body to the pot, mix an important role pinch frame and screw shaft system, high demand not only in the material, seal between the parts and components also have high requirements.
   This paper focuses on the analysis of the mixing kneading pot end cap structure design, selection and installation, and the lining board selection and arrangement, relevant sealing performance condition analysis and liner board and the main pot service life.
Key Words:kneading machine;main boiler strength;covers;seal
1绪论    3
1.1 混捏锅综述    3
1.2 混捏锅分类    4
1.2.1 根据其材质特性:    4
1.2.2 根据其工作原理:    4
1.2.3 根据其出料形式:    5
1.3 碳钢混捏锅研究的目的和意义    7
    1.4 混捏过程的实质    8     
1.5 碳钢混捏锅的优缺点混捏过程的实质    9
1.3.1 碳钢混捏锅的优点    7
1.3.2 碳钢混捏锅的缺点    7
1.3.3 碳钢混捏锅的特征    8
1.3.4 碳钢混捏锅的结构特点    8
1.6 碳钢混捏锅的常用型号    9
1.7 碳钢混捏锅的发展    10
1.7.1 国外发展情况    10
1.7.2 国内发展情况    10
2混捏锅锅体材质选择及结构布置方案    11
2.1研究方案及方法的确定    12
2.1.1原始数据    12
2.1.2主要部件的设计    12
2.1.3方案的比较    13
2.1.4方案的确定    15
3混捏锅上下端盖及锅体设计    16
3.1上端盖结构图    16
3.2 3000升混捏锅的工作原理    16
3.3 基本参数    16
3.4 国内外碳钢混捏机的差异    18
3.4.1 国内外碳钢混捏机的技术差异    18
3.4.2 国内碳钢混捏机的改进方向    19
4混涅锅主要参数计算    20
4.轴承的选择    20
4.1.1材料的选择    20
4.1.2轴承类型选择    21
4.1.3轴承的游动和轴向位移    21 3000升混捏锅上下锅盖及锅体设计+CAD图纸:http://www.youerw.com/jixie/lunwen_18122.html