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时间:2022-06-04 12:42来源:毕业论文

摘要: 现如今,计算机网络技术高度发展,其应用也越来越广泛。智能手机的出现,极大的丰富了人们的视野,使人们能够在短时间内获得大量的信息,并且做出相应的判断。几年前基本PC电脑端领域在不断的发展,而近几年,移动端的发展不仅仅没有落后于PC端,而且还反超了。这得益于一个定律,正是有这个定律,才使得如今的社会,移动领域的急速发展。本设计就是基于安卓的开发环境,利用移动终端和Android系统,相互融合完成一个电脑水平相当高的五子棋,这样可以锻炼我们的技能水平,同时又可以提高棋艺。本文给出了非常详尽的整个系统设计的过程,界面设计以及一些必须得用的知识储备,该五子棋游戏可以在Android手机上面跑,具备电脑玩家,悔棋,重新开始的功能,是一个完整的游戏应用,具备五子棋该有的功能。81265


毕业论文关键词: PC端;移动端;安卓;五子棋;系统设计

Gobang game development based on Android system

Abstract: Today, computer network technology is highly developed, and its application is more and more widely。 The emergence of smart phones, greatly enriched people's vision, so that people can get a lot of information in a short period of time, and make a corresponding judgment。 A few years ago, the basic PC computer side in the field of continuous development, and in recent years, the development of mobile terminals not only did not lag behind the PC side, but also anti over。 Thanks to a law, it is this law that makes today's society, the rapid development of the mobile field。 This design is based on Android's development environment, the use of mobile terminal and Android system integration computer to complete a fairly high level of 331, so that we can develop our skills, but also can improve the chess。 This paper gives a very detailed design of the whole system, interface design and some must use the knowledge reserve, the games can be run on mobile phone in Android, with the computer game player, you start function, is a complete game application, with some features of the 331。 

     The design is based on Android platform game development, the main language using Java, the core algorithm in order to improve efficiency, using C language, and then through the Java layer through the JNI call。

Keywords:  PC; Mobile terminal; Android; Gobang; system design


摘要 i

Abstract ii

目录 iii

1 绪论 1

1。1 研究本课题的意义 1

1。1。1 选课背景 1

1。1。2 研究的目的 2

1。2 基于安卓系统的五子棋游戏开发简介 3

1。3 本文的结构 3

2 Android系统知识介绍 4

2。1 Android开发的介绍和环境搭建 4

2。2 java知识介绍 基于安卓系统的五子棋游戏开发:http://www.youerw.com/jisuanji/lunwen_94859.html
