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时间:2022-03-06 21:52来源:毕业论文


本设计主要就是判断新闻文本的情感倾向性,即对新闻文本中的主观性信息进行分析。就是通常所指的正面情感和负面情感。例如“乐观”和“愉快”是褒义词,表达的是正面情感,“沮丧”和“厌恶”是贬义词,表达的是负面情感。根据传统文本情感分析的经验,对新闻文本的情感倾向进行分析。首先是文本处理,采用台湾大学整理的情感词典作为情感倾向分析的依据,算法采用最大向前字符串匹配对新闻文本进行相应的预处理及分词;然后运用朴素贝叶斯(Naive Bayes)对新闻文本进行情感倾向分析。


Abstract:With the rapid development of computer technology and information technology, the news media from the original newspapers to radio, television, Internet, and mobile phone news agency, greatly enriched the people's life。 The news text can correctly understand the direction of public opinion, can quickly mining public interest。 More and more people to participate in the network to express their views and opinions on a certain event。 The strong subjectivity of news text, especially some unexpected and sensitive events at home and abroad, will attract attention in a very short period of time, the network public opinion has become hidden。 So the important point is whether the emotional sentiment analysis, computer analysis of these the network of public opinion quickly, is of great significance。

    Sentiment analysis also known as opinion mining, sentiment is the main judgment of news text, namely the subjective information in news texts were analyzed。 Positive emotion and negative emotion is usually referred to as "optimistic。" and "happy" is the expression of commendatory terms, positive emotion, "depressed" and "disgust" is a derogatory term, is the expression of negative emotions。 According to the analysis of the traditional text emotional experience, emotional tendency of news text analysis。 First text processing, by National Taiwan University consolidation of sentiment lexicon as sentiment analysis basis, the algorithm uses the maximum forward string matching news text corresponding preprocessing and segmentation; then use naive Bayes on news text for sentiment analysis。

Key words:news text, sentiment dictionary, emotional tendency

目  录

1 引言 4

1。1 研究背景和意义 4

1。2  文本情感分析研究现状 5

1。3  系统开发工具简介 6

1。4  开发环境简介 7

1。5  论文的主要研究内容 7

1。6 论文的组织结构 8

2 相关内容介绍与理论概述 8

2。1 新闻相关概述 8

2。2  文本预处理技术 Qt基于情感词典的新闻文本情感分析研究+源代码:http://www.youerw.com/jisuanji/lunwen_90727.html
