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时间:2017-05-21 15:32来源:毕业论文

摘要代理服务器是介于浏览器和web服务 器之间的一台服务器,它的功能是代理网络用户去取得网络信息。它的工作原理是,接收客户机的数据连接请求,并将请求传给web服务器;再从web服务器接收返回的数据,最后把数据传给客户端显示。
Title    Design and implementation of web proxy server    
The proxy server is between the browser and web server a server, its function is to obtain the user agent network information network. It is the working principle, the receiving client data connection request, and the request is passed to the web server from the web server; receiving the returned data, finally to transmit data to the client for display.
In this paper, it tells of a simple proxy server to achieve, in the realization of the use of client / server structure model application development, based on the general access browsing speed, efficiency, safety function is not strong wait for a reason, will be simple, reasonable, effective principle. In the design of the system to achieve the following functions:
(1) to provide HTTP services, support for "GET" method
(2) to provide Web proxy cache ( Cache )
(3) can be custom proxy server listen port
(4) to provide the log function
(5) the use of the development of Web proxy server can visit all of the websites
(6) using multiple threads to achieve, support multiple users at the same time agent
Key words: client / server structure; GET method; multithreading; Cache; proxy server
 目   次
1 绪论    1
1.1    代理服务器概述    1
1.1.1  代理服务器功能简介    1
1.1.2  代理服务器的相关搜索软件    2
1.1.3  代理服务器的分类    3
1.1.4  代理服务器的使用方法    4
1.2    课题研究的主要内容    5
1.3    本章小结    6
2    相关技术及开发工具软件介绍    7
2.1    相关技术介绍    7
2.1.1  Winsock简介    7
2.1.2  Winsock规范    7
2.1.3  Winsock通信基础    8
2.1.4  Winsock客户机/服务器模型    8
2.2  开发工具软件    9
2.2.1  Visual C++介绍    9
2.2.2  MFC介绍    10
2.3本章小结    12
3  研究方案    13
3.1  研究背景    13
3.2  可行性分析    13
3.2.1  目的意义    13
3.2.2  设计的可行性    14
3.3  运行需求    14
3.3.1  硬件配置    14
3.3.2  软件配置    14
3.4 本章小结    14
4  总体设计及关键代码    14 Web代理服务器的设计与实现:http://www.youerw.com/jisuanji/lunwen_7519.html