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时间:2021-05-09 21:09来源:毕业论文

摘要:科学技术正在不断提高,计算机科学技术的不断增强,人们深刻的意识到了它强大的功能,它在人类社会的各个领域起到了重大的影响。 作为计算机科学与技术应用的部分使用计算机对火车票预订信息进行管理。例如:快速检索、方便查找、可靠性高、大量的存储、良好的保密性、寿命较长、成本低等。这些优点为火车票信息管理提高了事半功倍的效率,也是企业的进步、管理的方便,与世界接轨的重要条件。66901

本文是针对列车售票的实际情况,按照软件工程的结构化设计思想,经过项目的需求分析和可行性研究。总体的设计与详细的设计,以及编码实现和调试等步骤设计开发出来的。并运用数据的字典和数据的流程图,E-R 图和数据库的逻辑结构,层次图、 系统的流程图,以及程序的流程图,对该系统的数据需求、数据库、系统软件结构、系统流程,以及处理过程等进行了分析和设计。主要实现的功能模块有用户注册、用户登录、票务查询、在线订票、订单管理、后台管理、留言管理等功能模块。


Abstract:With the continuous improvement of science and technology, computer science increasingly mature, its powerful features for people to have a profound understanding, it has entered the human society in various fields and play an increasingly important role. As a part of computer application the use of computers to train ticket booking information management, with a manual management of the incomparable advantages. For example: the rapid retrieval and search for convenient, high reliability, large storage capacity, confidentiality good, long life and low cost. These advantages can greatly improve the train ticket information management the efficiency, the enterprise is also a scientific, standardized management, and an important condition for the world。

In this paper, aiming at the train station booking the actual situation, in accordance with a structured software engineering design, the project feasibility study and the demand analysis, overall design, detailed design, coding and debugging steps and design and development of train tickets online booking system. And use the data flow diagram and data dictionary, E-R graph and database logical structure, hierarchy diagram, system flow chart, as well as the program flow chart, the system needs of data, database, system software structure, system process, and the process is analyzed and design。

Key words: Train booking system,design, development,ASP.NET, database


目  录

1引言 6

1.1 研究意义 6

1.2 研究现状 6

1.3 开发方法 7

2开发环境简介 7

2.1 ASP.NET技术介绍 7

2.2 C#介绍 8

2.3 三层架构 9

3系统分析与设计 10

3.1 系统功能需求 10

3.2 功能需求描述 10

3.3 目标系统要求 11

3.4 系统平台选择 11

3.5 系统E-R图 12

3.6 数据库设计 14

3.7 系统关键流程处理 16

4系统功能实现 asp.net+sqlserver列车售票系统的设计+源代码:http://www.youerw.com/jisuanji/lunwen_74964.html
