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时间:2021-05-09 21:32来源:毕业论文



Abstract:with the rapid development of Internet technology, the network has already become an integral part of modern people in daily life, catering and computer network are combined together, emerge as the times require online meal ordering.This system using ASP.NET, VS2010,C#, such as SQL2008written language realize customer Visit food, purchase, settlement, order, issued a message such as front desk functions and order management, food management, user management, user message management, sales management function. This paper discusses the design of the system and realization process, first on system design demand and requirements are analyzed, and then introduces the method to realize the system part then do a more detailed introduction and with code and picture; Finally, according to the system test and put forward improving direction.

Keywords: ASP.NET,VS2010,SQL2008,C#,Online shopping

目      录

1 引言 5

1.1课题背景 5

1.2 国内外研究现状 5

1.3 网上订餐系统的构建 6

1.4建立网上订餐网站的必然性 6

2 开发工具及系统模式 6

2.1 开发环境的介绍 6

2.2 ASP.NET技术简介 7

2.3 系统开发模式 8

2.4 .NET访问数据库 8

3 系统需求与可行性分析 9

3.1顾客对于系统的需求 9

3.2管理员对于系统的需求 10

4 系统总体设计 10

4.1前台设计方案 10

4.2后台管理设计方案 11

4.3数据库设计 11

4.3.1系统概要设计及E-R图 11

4.3.2  详细数据库表 12

5 系统详细设计 15

5.1用户相关功能设计 15

5.1.1系统主界面设计 15

5.1.2 购物车界面的设计 15

5.1.3 客户留言界面的设计 16

5.1.4 我的订单管理界面设计 17

5.2管理员主要功能设计 19

5.2.1 后台管理员界面 19

5.2.2 菜品的管理界面设计 20

5.2.3当日订单结算页面 C#+sqlserver网上订餐系统的设计+源代码:http://www.youerw.com/jisuanji/lunwen_74974.html
