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时间:2018-07-09 20:23来源:毕业论文

毕业论文关键词  软件保护  TCM  虚拟机  
Title    Application of software protection based on TCM                    
With the development of computer software technology,software application has penetrated into all walks of life, which brings convenience to people and also brings many security problems. Mainly pided into two aspects: the software copyright protection and software security protection. Software copyright protection, the protection of intellectual property of software creators ,creative ideas and the core technology, includes preventing software piracy and reverse cracking, etc.Software security protection,ensuring that the software can still correctly operate in the case of malicious attacks and that the software is legally used within the scope of authorization, includes preventing being tampered and   illegal authorization to protected information.
This paper proposes two methods to implement the protection of the software application program.The first one completely depends on the TCM chip.This chapter introduces the trusted computing technology of TCM chip,and expounds the significance, advantages of TCM to protect the terminal and how to use TCM to protect the software application. The second one is the way through the combination of virtual machine and TCM chip. At the beginning, the significance of virtual machine protection technology for software protection industry is explained. Then, the content of how to compile the virtual machine and how to implement the protection of the software with TCM chip is also presented.
Keywords  protection of software   TCM   virtual machine 
目   次
1 引言  1
1.1  研究背景   1
1.2  国内外研究现状   1
1.3  论文的组织结构   3
2 可信计算技术   4
2.1  发展的背景   4
2.2  可信计算技术简介   4
2.3  课题设计及成果展示   6
3 虚拟机与TCM相结合的软件保护实现  13
3.1  虚拟机软件保护技术的兴起  13
3.2  虚拟机软件保护设计概要  13
3.3  理论基础  14
3.4  虚拟机保护软件程序设计  16
3.5  成果展示  18
4 总结与展望   22
4.1  两种实现技术的分析对比  22
4.2  对未来的展望  22
致谢  24
参考文献 25
1  引言
1.1  研究背景
    近些年计算机飞速地发展,软件技术日趋成熟,计算机软件技术在社会展露头角后,便渗透到各行各业中。据统计我国每年实现的软件业务收入早就超过了1万亿人民币,大大加快了国民经济发展的步伐,也提高了国家的科技创新能力以及技术竞争力。然而,随着计算机的发展,安全问题也一直伴随产生。在越来越高度信息化的当今社会,计算机安全问题已愈演愈烈,带来的损失也越来越严重。据有关部门统计,当今世界每隔20秒就有一起黑客事件的发生,仅美国每年因黑客攻击造成的损失就多达100亿美元[1],造成了难以想象的严重后果。而造成这些攻击的根源在于软件漏洞的泛滥。软件技术不断的发展,软件应用也越做越复杂,若根据“每千行代码就有一个漏洞”这一说,计算机软件的漏洞多的难以想象。常见的软件漏洞威胁有:SQL注入漏洞,跨站脚本漏洞,弱口令漏洞,HTTP报头追踪漏洞,Struts2远程命令执行漏洞,框架钓鱼漏洞,文件上传漏洞,应用程序测试脚本漏洞等[3],他们造成个人及企业有价值的信息被盗取,黑客窃取身份验证等进入个人及企业的账户,造成巨大的损失。 基于TCM的软件保护应用程序设计:http://www.youerw.com/jisuanji/lunwen_19334.html