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时间:2021-05-01 08:13来源:毕业论文




毕业论文关键词  在线评测 在线考试 辅助教学 程序设计


Title The application service of program design teaching           


Online judge system provides a platform to support ACM/ICPC as well as OI contest. The judging subsystem provides the function of evaluating the source code. It is of great significance that the judging subsystem can evaluate source code accurately and efficiently.

In addition, computer assisted instruction (CAI) has been basically recognized by the education. Judge system, after some necessary extensions, can be widely used in the occasion that needs automated black-box testing, and its function is gradually transformed to face teaching. The teaching and examination of program design, With the support of OJ system, can also be applied to computer assisted instruction.

This subject firstly reconstructed and rewritten an existing judge system, based on study of this system, so that it has more efficient and secure. Then the results applied to computer assisted instruction, designed and implemented an online examination system for assisting teaching of programming courses.

Keywords  online judge, online Exam, computer assisted instruction,  program design

目 次

1 绪论 1

1.1 研究背景及意义 1

1.2 在线评测系统简介 1

1.3  本课题目标 2

2 判题节点的设计与实现 3

2.1 一次判题过程 3

2.2 判题节点结构 4

2.3  Plugin接口及其子接口 5

2.3.1 Plugin接口 5

2.3.2 Connector接口 6

2.3.3 Filter接口 7

2.4 PluginManager类 7

2.4.1 注解 7

2.4.2 查找所有的插件 8

2.4.3  PluginManager类提供的功能 8

2.4.4 通过反射机制管理插件的优点 8

2.5 测试数据管理 8

2.5.1 传统方法以及弊端 8

2.5.2 本系统采用的方法及优势 9

2.6 编译器 9

2.7 核心适配器以及判题核心 10

2.7.1 Windows判题核心 10

2.7.2 Windows核心适配器 在线考试系统判题系统设计:http://www.youerw.com/jisuanji/lunwen_74656.html
