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时间:2021-04-10 21:59来源:毕业论文


毕业论文关键词  背景差分  高斯模型  卡尔曼滤波器  哈里斯角点  多特征融和  霍夫变换


Title    Monitoring and automatic tracking of moving targets in video sequences algorithm research                


For the technical research about moving target detection and tracking in video surveillance system , compare a variety of methods of moving target detection, and the background difference method is mainly adopted to detect moving targets, and establish the gauss model, then use the threshold and binarization to detect the moving object regions, this can achieve good detection result. At the same time, using Kalman filter to forecast and tracking a moving target which has been detected, the experimental verification tracking effect is preferably. Based on Harris corner block motion estimation and based on tracking algorithm multiple features fusion ,it provides a basement of arithmetic to the final trajectory tracking algorithm , and this makes the final results possible. And combined with the above content, conduct some researches on the lane line detection, it makes the detection process which is based on hough transform   come true.

Keywords  background subtraction  Gaussian model  Kalman filter  Harris corner points  Many characteristics of harmony  Hough transform

目   次

1. 引言或绪论 1

2. 视频序列处理基本原理 1

3. 运动目标识别与提取(基于background subtraction法) 2

4. 背景的处理 3

4.1. 背景模型的建立 3

4.2. 背景模型的更新 3

5. 目标检测和阴影消除算法 5

6. 运动目标跟踪技术 7

7. 自动跟踪算法实验 8

7.1. 基于哈里斯角点的分块运动估计。 8

7.2. 基于多特征融合的跟踪算法 9

8. 数值试验与分析 10

结  论 14

致  谢 15

参考文献 16

1. 引言或绪论


运动目标的检测和跟踪是视频监控领域中的一个重要研究方向,运动目标检测是判断视频序列中有无运动目标的存在,运动目标跟踪则是要监控视频序列中运动目标的运动状态。运用background subtraction法对运动目标进行检测,这种方法对于视频序列来说是非常常见而且效果非常的,可以较为准确而且快速地检测出运动目标。将当前帧图像与已有背景图像相减,如果差分图像中某像素值大于阈值,则将其定义为运动目标,反之,则属于背景区域。对阀值进行操作后便可直接得到目标的位置、形状等信息,然后利用Kalman滤波器对检测出来的运动目标进行预测跟踪。Background subtraction法尽是运动目标检测的其中一种方法,我将在后文中继续介绍其他常用的运动目标检测的方法[1]。 监控视频序列中运动目标的自动跟踪算法研究:http://www.youerw.com/jisuanji/lunwen_72801.html
