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时间:2020-09-27 21:21来源:毕业论文
前端用html5和javascript实现,后台用java实现,前台通过脚本的ajax提交请求到后台,后台进行相应的处理得到结果返回给前台,前台进行处理后显示到画面中。整个网页的框架是Spring MVC框

摘要: 该课题是基于微信框架下的小荷尖尖角公众号网页的设计与实现,微信公众号是当今一个很便捷的信息传播的媒介,进行一个公众号网页的开发能够将信息有效方便地传播出去。通过对微信使用人群的使用习惯的调查,发现大多数微信使用者对于微信公众号有很高的使用率,故进行这个课题的设计实现。该网页前端用html5和javascript实现,后台用java实现,前台通过脚本的ajax提交请求到后台,后台进行相应的处理得到结果返回给前台,前台进行处理后显示到画面中。整个网页的框架是Spring MVC框架,通过使用该技术来实现数据的传递,最终将网页以微信公众号的形式呈现给用户。网页实现后工作人员可以方便的进行活动管理,用户注册后可以方便地进行个人信息的查看修改以及活动信息的查看报名等功能。57268

毕业论文关键词: 微信公众号;活动;java;网页;微信开发

The Design and Implementation of“Lotus Sharp Angle”WeChat Public Platform Based on the WeChat Framework

Abstract: This project is the design and implementation of  “Lotus sharp angle”WeChat public platform based on the WeChat framework,WeChat public platform is a very convenient medium of information dissemination,so the development of WeChat public platform is very necessary. The investigation of WeChat users shows that the WeChat users use WeChat public platform frequently,so I made this project. The web pages are designed by html5 and javascript, and the Web background are designed by java language, the web pages submit request by using ajax technology, and after the background Processed these datum, the web pages will show the users the datum they want. The whole framework of the web is realized by Spring MVC technology, which will show the whole achievements to the users. The project has two kinds of users, one is workers and another is ordinary users, the workers can manage the activities easily and the users can view and modify their personal data after register, besides they can view these activities launched by workers or attend these activities.

Keywords: WeChat public platform;activity; java; web page; WeChat development


摘要 i

Abstract i

目录 ii

1 绪论 1

1.1 开发背景 1

1.2 开发目的和意义 1

1.3 国内外现状 1

1.3.1 国内现状 1

1.3.2 国外现状 2

1.4 研究内容及方法 2

1.4.1 调查法 2

1.4.2 文献研究法 2

1.4.3 功能分析法 3

1.4.4 经验总结法 3

1.5 论文框架 3

2 系统需求分析 4 基于微信框架下的公众号网页的设计与实现:http://www.youerw.com/jisuanji/lunwen_61943.html
