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时间:2019-10-06 14:53来源:毕业论文

本系统使用Kinect结合Unity 3D实现,以Kinect捕捉的用户的骨骼数据控制虚拟场景中的人物。用户可以通过模仿场景中模特的动作学习旗语,也可以测试自己对旗语的掌握程度。初步实验表明,该系统可满足模拟训练的需求,作为旗语学习系统可能对初学者学习旗语有帮助。但也发现本系统存在很大的改善空间。
关键词  Kinect  手势识别  旗语  游戏  虚拟学习环境
Title   The System Of Gesture Recognition Based On Kinect
Flag semaphore is indispensable to maritime communication nowadays. It has important practical significance to develop automatic semaphore identification method and make the computer to understand the semaphores. This paper describes the development process of a Kinect-based semaphore recognition system. First introduced the background of semaphore, virtual learning environment and Kinect, after which a more detailed description of the methods and tools used in the system, and finally describe the specific implementation steps.
The system was achieved through the Kinect and Unity 3D, it use the Skeleton Data of Kinect to control the character in the virtual scene. Users can learn semaphores by following model’s actions, they can also test their mastery of semaphores. Preliminary experiments indicate that the system can meet the needs of simulation training, and may be helpful for beginners to learn semaphore as a semaphore learning system. But it was also found that the system has a lot of room for improvement.
Keywords  Kinect; gesture recognition; flag semaphore; game; virtual learning environment
 目   录
1    绪论    1
1.1    相关背景    1
1.1.1  旗语    1
1.1.2  虚拟学习环境    1
1.2    研究目的    2
2    采用的工具和方法    3
2.1  Kinect原理简介    3
2.1.1  Kinect的主要硬件    3
2.1.2  获得深度数据    4
2.1.3  生成骨骼图    4
2.1.4  识别人体关节    4
2.1    游戏引擎Unity 3D    5
2.2.1  游戏引擎    5
2.2.2  Unity的动画系统    6
2.2    MikuMikuDance    7
2.3    日本旗语体系    8
3    系统构建    10
3.1    环境搭建    10
3.2    插件的使用    10
3.2.1  Kinect Wrapper    10
3.2.2  MMD4Mecanim    11
3.3    手势识别    14
3.3.1  单手的姿势    15
3.3.2  识别静态手势    17
3.4    增加教学演示    18
3.5    系统完善    19
4    问题与反思    20
结 论    22
致 谢    23
 1    绪论
1.1    相关背景
1.1.1  旗语 基于Kinect的旗语识别系统设计:http://www.youerw.com/jisuanji/lunwen_40330.html