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时间:2019-09-25 20:32来源:毕业论文

毕业论文关键词:水准网  VB  间接平差
Abstract In engineering survey, sometimes,we need to measure a lot of point with attitude. At this time,we need to lay leveling network.Then,we can discover mistake during measuring and improve measurement precision continuously.
  In this way, it will cause redundant observation and produce adjustment problems. In this paper,it is a adjustment program design about leveling network that will be based on Visual Basic. It can realize to calculate elevation approximation,error equation and adjustment of precision about leveling network fast and accurately according to the basic principle of the indirect adjustment.by this, We can avoid wasting human and resources due to manual calculation. what is more,the operation results with computer program is better reliability than manual calculation.lastly,we also use a practical example to verify the design program.the result showed that program is running completely and accuracy of measuring is also up to the standard.
Key words: leveling network,  Visual Basic , indirect adjustment
目   录
摘   要    I
Abstract    II
1. 绪论    - 1 -
1.1 课题研究的意义    - 1 -
1.2 国内外的研究现状    - 1 -
1.3 研究课题的内容    - 1 -
2.水准网的简介    - 2 -
3.VB的简要介绍    - 5 -
3.1 VB的概述    - 5 -
3.2标准数据类型    - 5 -
3.3控件    - 7 -
3.3.1窗体    - 7 -
3.3.2文本框    - 7 -
3.3.3通用对话框    - 8 -
该语句执行完以后,那么在文件的下拉列表框里将只有扩展名为.DOC的文件。    - 9 -
3.3.4菜单    - 9 -
4.函数模型    - 10 -
4.1 函数模型简介    - 10 -
4.2.水准网间接平差程序设计思路    - 11 -
4.2.1水准网平差程序流程图    - 11 -
4.2.2 平差设计思路    - 11 -
5.程序的整体设计    - 12 -
5.1 整体设计和界面    - 12 -
5.2 文件的输入格式    - 12 -
5.3 平差计算    - 13 -
5.4算例分析    - 14 -
5.4.1 算例一    - 14 -
5.4.2 算例二    - 17 -
6. 结束语    - 18 -
1. 绪论
1.1 课题研究的意义
当一个测区需要测量多个点的高程时,我们就需要布设水准网。布设水准网是建立高程控制的常规方法,为了提高水准测量数据处理的效率,使得内业外业相互结合起来,提高数据处理的速度、以及平差精度和可靠性,在取得合格的外业测量数据后,需要对所采集的水准网外业观测数据进行平差处理。而现在的市场上存在种类繁杂的平差软件,处理数据的方式基本采用传统的平差经典模型。因此在一般情况下不能够完全满足用户的需求,因此我们需要一种更快速准确的测量平差程序。来更好的实现数据的平差处理。 基于VB的水准网平差程序设计:http://www.youerw.com/jisuanji/lunwen_39837.html