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时间:2019-09-08 17:50来源:毕业论文
采用B/S(Browser/Server)架构,通过SQL Server 2005数据库来对数据进行管理,结合ASP.NET开发平台和C#语言技术开发。实现了学生自评,教师考评和授权,考评组评分,测评信息管理以及班级

系统以我校原学生综合素质测评实施方法为基础,采用B/S(Browser/Server)架构,通过SQL Server 2005数据库来对数据进行管理,结合ASP.NET开发平台和C#语言技术开发。实现了学生自评,教师考评和授权,考评组评分,测评信息管理以及班级、教师、学生信息管理等功能。使用该系统进行学生测评工作能够减轻教师和管理人员统计学生德育分的复杂工作,节约时间,提高效率具有界面简洁,操作方便,使整个综合素质测评过程变得轻松、规范、有序。
毕业论文关键词: 综合测评系统;分析设计;测评管理;B/S架构  
Design and Implementation of Students' Overall Quality Evaluation System Based on Web
Abstract: Many of our universities are focusing on overall quality of students, and our school is no exception. Evaluation workload, efficiency is not high, leave from the grid to recover form Statistics lasted more than a week. Based on the design and development of the above reasons. Introduces the development process of students' comprehensive quality assessment system, specifically discusses the systems analysis, detailed design, and test implementation of the development process, summed up the experience in the design and in the future may be the perfect place.
  In my primary school systems' comprehensive quality assessment is based on the implementation of the method, the use of B / S (Browser / Server) architecture, the 2005 database to manage the data through SQL Server, combined with ASP.NET development platform and C # language technology development. To achieve a student self-assessment, teacher evaluation and authorization evaluation group score, evaluation and information management classes, teachers, student information management. With this system, student assessment work of teachers and administrators can reduce complex statistical work students' moral points, save time and improve efficiency with a simple interface, easy to operate, so that the overall quality of the entire evaluation process easier, standardized and orderly.
 Keywords: Comprehensive evaluation system;Analysis and design; evaluation and Management; B / S architecture
目  录
第1章  绪论    1
1.1 系统开发背景    1
1.2 国内外研究现状    2
1.3 课题的目的及意义    2
1.4 本文研究内容及主要贡献    3
第2章  系统分析    4
2.1 需求分析    4
2.2 可行性分析    4
2.3 系统性能需求    4
2.4 系统用例图    5
2.5 系统流程图    6
2.6 系统数据流图    10
2.6.1 学生综合素质测评系统顶层数据流图    10
2.6.2 学生综合素质测评系统中层数据流图    11
2.6.3 学生综合素质测评系统底层数据流图    11
2.7 系统相关技术    11
2.7.1 ASP.NET    11
2.7.2 SQL Server    12
2.8 运行环境    12
2.9 本章小结    12
第3章  系统设计    13
3.1 数据库的结构设计    13
3.2数据E-R图    16
3.3数据库逻辑结构    17
3.4 本章小结    19 asp.net+sqlserver学生综合素质测评系统的设计:http://www.youerw.com/jisuanji/lunwen_38932.html