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时间:2018-07-28 14:39来源:毕业论文

摘要随着人们经济水平的提高,拥有小汽车的家庭越来越多,人们也更喜欢舒适自由的出行方式──自驾车出行。但停车场停车位有限,满足不了日益增加的停车需求,一部分人希望通过支付一定的费用来提前预约车位。建立一个停车位预约与指引系统,能很好地解决这个问题。 26362
关键词  停车位预约  指引  JSP  JavaBean  JavaScript 
Title    Parking Reservation and Guidance System         
With the improvement of people’s economic level,there are more and more families with cars, and people also prefer the comfortable way to ── travel by car.However parking lot is limited,can not meet the growing demand for parking,some people want to pay a fee to make an appointment to avoid the hassle of looking for the parking space.Build a parking reservation and guidance system,we can solve the problem .
  This system is a typical B/S system, which is pided into two parts of the foreground and background.The front display information about the parking lot, the user can query the current free parking, parking reservation, view the current appointment, canceled appointments, etc.The ackground for administrator can view the current order, cancel the order, view the current free parking space number and parking reservation number, billing, guide vehicle quickly find free parking and other functions.The system uses technologies include JSP, JavaBean, javascript, JDBC, HTML, CSS, is a dynamic, interactive, more comprehensive system.
Keywords  parking reservation  guidance  JSP  JavaBean  JavaScript 
目 次
1  引言    1
1.1  课题研究背景    1
1.2  课题研究的意义    1
2  开发工具与开发技术简介    3
2.1  开发工具    3
2.2  开发技术    6
3  可行性与需求分析    10
3.1  可行性分析    10
3.1.1  技术可行性    10
3.1.2  经济可行性    10
3.1.3  操作可行性    10
3.2  需求分析    10
3.2.1  目标    10
3.2.2  运行环境    10
3.2.3  输入要求    10
3.2.4  一般性规定    11
4  概要设计    12
4.1  系统功能结构    12
4.2  用例图    13
4.3  系统数据结构设计    13
4.3.1  E-R图    13
4.3.2  逻辑结构设计    14
5  详细设计    17
5.1  用户流程图    17
5.2  用户登录模块    18
5.3  新用户注册模块    19
5.4  用户功能页面    19
5.5  用户预约模块    20
5.6  用户查看当前预约及取消预约模块    21
5.7  用户历史订单模块    21
5.8  管理员流程图    22 JSP停车位预约与指引系统设计:http://www.youerw.com/jisuanji/lunwen_20513.html