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时间:2023-12-24 09:57来源:毕业论文

摘 要:当今社会,互联网技术越来越发达,餐饮行业也在传统的到店点餐模式中渐渐衍生出了网上外卖服务,随着时间的推移,人们对外卖的需求越来越大,目前,网上外卖平台用户规模迅猛增长,江苏外卖平台的用户使用率达42。6%。在这样一个互联网充斥着生活的时代里,我们急需给社会提供一个平台来满足人们通过互联网点外卖的需求,故决定设计并实现网上餐饮管理系统。92254


该系统主要由c#(后端)和HTML+CSS+Javascript(前端)语言实现,运用MVC和三层架构混合模式,主要使用Visual Studio 2017开发平台进行开发,数据库使用Access数据库,另外通过GitExtensions进行了版本控制,并将项目通过IIS部署于服务器并绑定域名。


Abstract:Nowadays, the Internet technology more and more developed, the take-out service is gradually growing from the traditional mode that is go to the shop to order in the catering industry, with the passage of time, people demand more and more take-out services, at present, the Internet users scale of takeaway platform is increasing fastly, the use rate of Jiangsu takeaway platform is 42。6%。 In such an era full of Internet life, we urgently need to provide a platform for society to meet the needs of people to take out food through the Internet, so we decided to design and implement online take-out management system。

The system functions mainly achieved by the user's three roles, named: customers, businesses and administrators。The three roles related with each other, the customers can place the order, maintain the personal information, modify passwords, and complaints of businesses。 Businesses can maintain the goods and basic information, view orders, check monthly sales, start / stop business operation, and the administrator can view the complaint and forbid the account

The system is mainly composed of c# (Server) and HTML+CSS+Javascript (ViewPage) language, using the mixed mode of MVC and three layer architecture, the main development platform is Visual Studio 2017, using Access database, also using the GitExtensions version control system, and deployed the project to the server and bind the domain name by IIS。源F于K优B尔C论V文N网WwW.youeRw.com 原文+QQ752^018766

Keywords:Internet, food, C#,MVC,ASP。NET

目    录

1 绪论 5

1。1 前景 5

1。2 技术特色 5

1。3 开发工具简介 5

1。3。1 Visual Studio 2017 5

1。3。2 Access数据库 6

1。3。3 GitExtensions 6

2 系统分析 7

2。1 研究目标 7

2。2 需求分析 7 asp.net网上餐饮管理系统设计+源代码:http://www.youerw.com/jisuanji/lunwen_199884.html
