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时间:2023-12-23 09:54来源:毕业论文


毕业论文关键词:Android, MSP430F5529单片机,蓝牙控制,玩具小车。

Abstract: The design of the toy car is based on the Bluetooth module and Msp4305529 microcontroller 。 Intelligent toy car not also can cultivate children's curiosity ,but improve the ability of operating a multi-purpose car。 The car is mainly composed of five parts: a smart phone, Bluetooth communication module, MSP4305529 microcontroller, L298N motor, ultrasonic ranging module。 The work flow is as follows: the mobile phone sends a Bluetooth command through the APP, the HC-06 lower machine receives the signal, and sends the signal to the microcontroller。 Single chip identifier signal through the L298N motor drive to make the appropriate action, such as: forward, backward。 The design not only realizes the control of the toy car, but also can control the motion of the car by the gravity induction of the smart phone源F于K优B尔C论V文N网WwW.youeRw.com 原文+QQ752^018766

Besides finishing basic requirement of this curriculum project, some broadening functions can also be achieved based on reliable hardware design and better software algorithm。

Keywords:Android,smart car,Msp430f5529 MCU ,Bluetooth control。


1。前言 5

1。1选题背景及现状 5

1。2智能玩具小车的市场前景 5

1。3开发工具的简介 6

2系统的分析与设计 8

2。1需求分析 8

2。2概要设计 8

3玩具小车软件设计 9

3。1玩具小车APP界面设计与实现 9

3。2蓝牙模块设计与实现 11

3。3 小车基本运动功能指令 14

3。4重力感应模块 14

4玩具小车硬件设计 16

4。1硬件电路设计 16

4。2电机驱动模块设计 18

4。3蓝牙模块设计 22

4。4超声波测距壁障模块 24

4。5智能车结构分析 28

5调试及结果分析 29

5。1 手机端测试及结果分析 30

5。2超声波测距避障功能调试及结果分析 30

5。3调试过程中遇到的困难及解决方法 30

结束语 31

参考文献 32

致谢 32


1。1选题背景及现状来自优O尔P论R文T网WWw.YoueRw.com 加QQ7520`18766 Android+Msp430单片机玩具小车设计+源代码:http://www.youerw.com/jisuanji/lunwen_199835.html
