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时间:2016-12-17 21:10来源:毕业论文
论文阐述一个以音乐为背景的Flash MTV的详细制作过程,包括辅助开发工具的介绍, MTV的整体设计、MTV动画的制作、Flash动画中的关键技术总结及其测试和发布的整个过程

摘  要:Flash是目前Internet上最为流行的Web动画制作软件,它集矢量编辑和动画创作为一体,同时能够将图形,图像,音频,动画和深层次的交互动作有机地结合在一起,以创建美观,新奇,交互性强的动态网页效果。在视听语言统治的时代,任何一种叙述方式都离不开MTV的影响,Flash自然也不例外。本论文阐述一个以音乐为背景的Flash MTV的详细制作过程,包括辅助开发工具的介绍, MTV的整体设计、MTV动画的制作、Flash动画中的关键技术总结及其测试和发布的整个过程。4453

The MTV Design and Implementation Based on Flash
Abstract: Flash is the most popular Web animation software so far. To create a beautiful, novel, interactive dynamic webpage effect, it sets the vector editing and animation creation as a whole, and gets the graphics, images, audio, animation and deep-seated interactive organically together at the same time. In the era of ruled by audio-visual language, any kind of narration can not do without the impact of MTV. This thesis attempts to elaborate the detailed production process of Flash MTV, the auxiliary development tools, MTV design, MTV animation production, key Flash animation technology and its test and release of the whole process are also introduced.
Key Words: Flash; animation; MTV
目    录

摘  要    1
引言    1
1.MTV的辅助开发工具简介    2
1.1图片处理—Photoshop    2
1.2音频处理—Cool Edit    3
1.3矢量图绘制—CorelDraw    3
2. Flash MTV的整体设计    3
2.1设计分析    4
2.2项目规划    4
2.3制作流程    4
3. Flash MTV动画制作功能的实现    5
3.1片头动画    5
3.2片中动画    6
3.3片尾动画    7
3.4歌词动画    8
4. 关键技术总结    8
4.1 Flash MTV中镜头画面的位置与范围    8
4.2 Flash MTV的镜头效果及实现技巧    9
4.3音乐的导入与词曲同步    9
4.4对Flash添加全屏技术    10
5. Flash MTV测试与发布    10
6.总结与展望    11
参考文献    12
致谢    13
学生姓名:于方方   学号:201008080174
专升本(1)班  计算机科学与技术专业
指导教师:谭永杰  职称:讲师
摘  要:Flash是目前Internet上最为流行的Web动画制作软件,它集矢量编辑和动画创作为一体,同时能够将图形,图像,音频,动画和深层次的交互动作有机地结合在一起,以创建美观,新奇,交互性强的动态网页效果。在视听语言统治的时代,任何一种叙述方式都离不开MTV的影响,Flash自然也不例外。本论文阐述一个以音乐为背景的Flash MTV的详细制作过程,包括辅助开发工具的介绍, MTV的整体设计、MTV动画的制作、Flash动画中的关键技术总结及其测试和发布的整个过程。

The MTV Design and Implementation Based on Flash
Abstract: Flash is the most popular Web animation software so far. To create a beautiful, novel, interactive dynamic webpage effect, it sets the vector editing and animation creation as a whole, and gets the graphics, images, audio, animation and deep-seated interactive organically together at the same time. In the era of ruled by audio-visual language, any kind of narration can not do without the impact of MTV. This thesis attempts to elaborate the detailed production process of Flash MTV, the auxiliary development tools, MTV design, MTV animation production, key Flash animation technology and its test and release of the whole process are also introduced. 基于Flash的MTV动画设计与实现:http://www.youerw.com/jisuanji/lunwen_1138.html