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时间:2022-08-25 23:20来源:毕业论文

摘  要:当前,随着中国经济快速增长,人民币成为国际性货币的趋势越来越明显,推动人民币国际化进程有利于促进中国国际贸易的发展。本文通过对人民币国际化含义、背景以及现状的阐述,进一步分析人民币国际化不但有利于中国企业更好的在进出口贸易中规避风险和提高中国在国际贸易中的影响力,而且有利于推动中国边境贸易发展以及拓宽外贸企业投资及融资渠道。同时,指出人民币国际化会对我国进出口金融秩序,人民币国际化流通的监管以及中国经济增长速度等方面造成不利影响;最后,文章针对这些不利影响提出合理化的对策及建议。83482

毕业论文关键词:人民币国际化 ;进出口贸易 ;外贸企业

Research on The Impact of RMB Internationalization on China's Foreign Trade

Abstract:At present, with the rapid growth of China's economy, for the RMB to become international currency trend more and more obvious, promote the process of internationalization of the RMB is conducive to promoting the development of China's international trade。 Based on the meaning of internationalization of the RMB, described the background and the status quo, further analysis of the internationalization of the RMB is not only conducive to Chinese enterprises to better in the import and export trade in risk aversion and enhance China's influence in the international trade, but also conducive to promoting the development of border trade in China and foreign trade enterprises to broaden the investment and financing channels。 At the same time, it is pointed out that the internationalization of RMB will to our country import and export financial order, the circulation of RMB internationalization of supervision As well as China's economic growth rate and other aspects of adverse effects; finally, the article put forward reasonable countermeasures and suggestions for these adverse effects。

Key words: RMB internationalization ; Import and export trade ; Foreign trade enterprise









    首先,在当今世界,石油、矿石等能源和大型商品都是以美元为计价单位来结算,这样的计价结算方式比较单一,导致新兴经济体在国际货币体系中不具备与其经济实力相对应的话语权。2008年美国爆发经济危机,导致美元、欧元等主要国际货币汇率出现不稳定,美元本位缺陷的暴露。在这种货币体系下国际货币关系出现剧烈波动。此外,美国为缓解国内的金融危机,实行量化宽松政策,发行了大量的美元。美国通过对外输出美元流动性促进其出口增长,目的是减少本国的贸易逆差,意图把经济风险转嫁给其他国家。 人民币国际化对中国外贸的影响研究:http://www.youerw.com/jingji/lunwen_98427.html
